haha frm the site meter i guess everione stop visiting my blog coz i hafnt been writing..
well so much haf happened since erm 2nd aug?
there was the wk of rag n flag in sch where i kinda spent the whole wk asking be**ing for money haha not so bad la
pple either walk past mi as if im transparent or smile n walk away or nice enuff to stop n donate
sigh i dont realli like selling flags or flowers la
the more fun part was the savh ah pek n ah mmms
my partner was a funky 84 yr old ah ma who speaks fluently n rather happening la
my teochew sprouting skills finally came to good use i guess haha
discussing now big or pretty tt bird is n how nice tt wild plant was
n then my og rather on stay n help rag overnite on fri too...
but not so bad learnt how to pay 99, hearts, carom properly so yea
i pretty much like my og la
all the rather nice pple
can click w like all the girls n hit off v well w like iris jean santhya...
i tink one of the days went to stayover at huayu house cant exactly rem wat day
but she summoned mi n i was going to learn driving so i appeared at her door step at 11+
kena shot wierd looks by her family though haha
but yea drank chicken soup we manage to cook
oh it was thu coz serene was rather unhappi tt she missed her oc n asked mi if i taped but i didnt
i rem now
as usual the documentary goes on
then sch started soon enuff
xia tian yi jing guo qu le
first day of sch was after national dae rite
cant realli rem
the dean toking
he was not as sleep inducing as the vice dean whu effortly coax mi to sleep
how in auspicious as i was trying to tell everione hah
slept in the first lec
but i m proud to say tt i hafnt slept at all for the rest of it till this dae
on listen try to process n scribble like mad
i feel tt its quite silly to scribble almost everithing the lecturer says la but i tink it is some self comforting shit thingy tt i do to not feel so bad la rite
when i dont understand wat is happening at least i can tell myself tt i tried to write down wat he said then can read up later
alot of words i cant spell then i anihow anihow haah
read up i m obviously so behind tt i dont wan to tink abt it
cannot cannot muz constantly remind miself
i even did my tut
not the whole thing but the first few qn la
feel like i m constantly mugging for an invisible exam tt ll cum sooner or later la
sian like shit
but yea mayb i shud drink mug root beer in a mug to constantly remind my self
feel an info overload la
but yea i kinda like sch i wud say better than slacking at least
more purpose n directn
n there was pbl
during the workshop mi n peiyun were the onli two silent introverts haha
but nothing to say boh pian too
n i dont like toking in front of strangers or like fighting for an opportunity to tok
so pple whu jus now mi owas tink i veri quiet
dunnoe whether tts n understatment or over statement
but it wasnt so bad the second time i guess
i got mi rather excited tinking abt all the things im going to learn like wat is myocardial infarction
but like i was toking to joyce tt day like in rg rj so long neva realli had to go try to fit in in new environ wif new pple so yea tink my social skills gotta hone abit more la
but not so bad my class got like some jokers then ok la
anat prac was rather exciting too
was abit scared to go in la
then not so bad aft all
wanted to take mani step bk when the prof thrust an arm into my face 4 us to haf a closer look
jus one arm n nothing else
but the bodies haf their faces covered skin n some tissuse removed n peni* hanging so abit desentisized la
not so much of a person when looking at it
but yea we gotta treat it wif respect
my tut almost the same pple as the pbl gp
but got like hsien min oso
he jus hafta intro mi to the class as luohan
tot tt name was exclusive to rj judo haha
n had my driving test on tue
wa lau scared like shit
so much of prac went in b4 the test lor went into the circuit like mani mani times
then i stupid stupid always hit curb in crank n s until my papa oso buay tahan say i lan
sigh but on mon nite i not so bad liao la
on the actual day damn nervous la
my car stalled when i was on the slope then i scared alreadi
then cuming down the slope i didnt signal too
but the tester mr yik was nice
he tell mi "signal left signal left" "relax calm down" haha
not so bad la then the rest of the circuit was ok until i went into the crank
i hit the curb at the first bend
then my heart jus dropped sianz
i flu n cant breathe so was taking deep breaths until the tester asked mi aft the test y i kept panting haha
but yea went out n everithing was fine
got one time he say i stopped too far behind the car wait pple ll stuff their head in to cut lane
but then it was ok aft tt
then went onto eunos link coz i route 7 mah
aft the u turn tired to change lane to left lane
then saw a giant lorry charging towards mi i hum n cut out again
he said its dangerous coz pple cuming frm the centre lane ll knock mi when i suddenly cum out
i guess so
then i saw him tinking furiously i tot sure die
but it wasnt so bad after all coz got the free one tick for first time make tt mistake.. haha
in the end i passed w -14
happi like shit
when i came out saw my dad then show him then he oso happi like shit
he say like strike 4d lidat haha
n yea i can drive liao
hafnt tried alone yet la
but to gang if i haf chance i cum pick u all up 4 supper k
when i prac abit on my own first la
unless my dad is invited too haha
my fareux og fren jus msg
say got gathering on sat
wa sat so happening
... in two days time!! r u excited?
then got n405, charlamagne, fareux gathering.. howhow??