火曜日, 10月 31, 2006
because of the pumpkin i came across these timelapse videos.. oh i really love them!
and clouds.. my fav stuff in the sky..
i like the way the shadows are cast on the city, it's cool and amazing
and the silence of the clip makes mi hold my breath - think: breath-holding attacks by kids.
there are the
1) blue variety: frustration leads to tears and holding the breath in expiration at the end of a wail fo rage. all childrean grow out of it before age of 5 years.
2) white variety: precipitated by pain or shock rather than frustration. child slumps to the floor, pale and not breathing. a seizure may follow secondary to cerebral hypoxia (reflex anoxic seizures). later in childhood, these children are prone to faints.
wat an apt video to be putting up on halloween.
this is kinda like life and death. i can so see it a person, wilting and dying away.. so it's kinda sad.
but maybe it's not so sad afterall because halloween is a time where the spiritual world makes contact with the physical one, and where magic is most potent. so u might be able to meet ur dead loved ones, isnt it? sounds kinda like Charmed.
月曜日, 10月 30, 2006
ok.. i know i should stop this but i guess this incident needs documentation
i took a nap this afternoon and woke up frm a vivid nightmare but oh well tt's nothing..
BUT i kinda found myself covered w lotsa insect bites! i think they look like mosquito bites.. i counted a grand total of 37! dammit
found on my face, the angle of my jaw.. my whole neck (both the anterior and post triangle, some along the SCM) my upper chest wall and my upperlimbs..
i'm so interested to see wat else can happen to mi
but well i think a turtle neck ll be good for sch tmr but it's too bloodly warm in S'pore for tt.. so this red papular obvious skin lesions ll b up for everyone to see i guess.
very well. fantastic.
i took a nap this afternoon and woke up frm a vivid nightmare but oh well tt's nothing..
BUT i kinda found myself covered w lotsa insect bites! i think they look like mosquito bites.. i counted a grand total of 37! dammit
found on my face, the angle of my jaw.. my whole neck (both the anterior and post triangle, some along the SCM) my upper chest wall and my upperlimbs..
i'm so interested to see wat else can happen to mi
but well i think a turtle neck ll be good for sch tmr but it's too bloodly warm in S'pore for tt.. so this red papular obvious skin lesions ll b up for everyone to see i guess.
very well. fantastic.
土曜日, 10月 28, 2006
didnt i hope that today will be a good day yesterday?
i guess it didnt work out q the way i wanted..
well the day started w mi waking up w a hoarse voice.. but i kinda got it bk more or less.. and my busy day started w the well-baby clinic, then moving on to NUH to clerk a girl for tutorial then to the last bit of my lit review meeting..
everything was fine until i was typing this really long email to my chp group but just before i sent it.. i dunnoe wat i pressed on sy's laptop and the whole page was gone and the whole email was gone. pui. now i gotta go write another one..
never mind.. then the day went on w mi at novena buying 1 inch cubes and going to tpy to help at the public health screening.. lala and dinner w a couple of meddies all went on fine.. until i set out on my journey home..
i tried walking to a place i thought was the bus stop.. but it turned out to b the taxi stand then i walk bk where i came frm to the bus stop but i didnt have my bus.. so due to my poor sense of direction.. (as usual) i walked up and down teh same street 3 times.. cause i gotta walk bk beyond where the taxi stand was to the road perpendicular to where i was...
when i finally got to the correct busstop.. i thought tt ll b the end of my bad day but i was WRONG.
because i was looking forward to some quiet time home at the upperdeck of bus 88 alone w/o ah tan.. to think abt stuff and mayb read.. and try not to think abt ahtan's halloween party at zouk and alcohol. but lo and behold.. there came a small single decker bus tt was kinda packed..
so i resigned to the fact tt i'll haf to stand for an hour's journey home.. and got on the bus
then to my HORROR.. my ezlink card wasnt in my wallet.. because i took it out earlier to sign in for PHS and i kinda chucked it into the abyss of my gigantic bag..
and there i was clinging on the the taptap machine for my dear life on a bumpy bus.. trying to search for the ezlink card in the abyss of my gigantic bag under terribly dim lighting and all the time entertaining the thought of being thrown off the bus if i cant find the card to pay for my ride (well i cud use coins but it didnt occur to mi then) just as i was abt to b more frustrated w myself.. my fingertips brushed against tt thin piece of plastic and managed to save my ass..
so i "tee-ed" and moved in..
then my gigantic bag tt had an abyss kinda bang into this auntie's head.. she was seating behind where i was standing u see.. and i turned to apologize and she just glared at mi as if i did her some grave wrong in our past life.. so oh well "I'M SORRY"
and then there were seats freed up in front of mi and there was an excited elderly couple bent to get the seat.. i wasnt going to fight w them but in her excitement the auntie stepped on my left foot and the uncle kinda swiped he hand across my whole butt.. haiz wat's w my butt and old men's hand, i wonder? since it was probably accidental, i didnt grab him by the collar and didnt crash his balding head into the glass window but oh well.
then the long ride went on.. until i came home. feeling sicker by the minute.
ok.. i'm putting an end to this pathetic bad habit of recounting tiny bits of unimpt stuff tt led mi wallow in self-pity. all this bad vibes coming form the last few posts feels abit lame.. i might roll my eyes silently in my heart if someone comes up to mi complaining abt those complains i made.
so this has gotta stop and in an attempt to do so.. i shall try to recall positive things.
today i saw 3 babies.. 3, 5, 10mth old ones.. they're the cutest things.. and DA made alot more sense now aft Dr Amin went thru it w real life squirmy examples. there smiles and screams and tears tt stop ever so readily are q endearing.. so.. awwww..
and there was this auntie i especially rem helping her register for the PHS.. she kinda confided in mi abit more beyond those questions on the questionnaire i was adminstering and i thank her for that.. :) she made mi feel less robotic i guess.. and she smiles every so readily..
then there was this elderly indian lady on bus 88.. i kinda banged into her arm w my gigantic bag with an abyss but she just smiled and gave me the "it's ok, i understand look" (well mayb she wud haf reacted differently if i swiped her head w my bag) but it made mi feel less sian abt mi accidentally bumping into pple w my big bag. and she looked for mi immed aft the seat beside her freed up cause she knew i was carrying lotsa things.. she even smiled a goodbye before she left.. tt made mi happy for tt fleeting moment..
then there was ahtsui's attempt to buy mi dinner.. thnx man i appreciate ur kind thought.. altho it's abit puzzling but it's an act of kindness i guess :)
so enuff small good thngs tt happen right?
well i tried 2x to comfort my self-pitying sick soul/body today..
i got myself chocolate milk frm 7-11 downstairs of bukitmerah polyclinic..
cold choc milk calms mi down i think.. altho i wonder if it only started aft JC or it had been there all along
and on my way home.. in my last feeble attempt to comfort myself, i walked my fav route home..
it's abit longer than usual, this long str path along the road flanked with tall trees (tt had compound leaves). So when the wind blows and the dried leaves fall.. they form a pretty sight of small little yellow bits coming down frm above..
i liked this road best on an evening when the setting sun fliters thru the leaves..
at night.. it's kinda too dark to watch my pretty trees but i get to play w the shadows on the floor.. stepping in btw the lit-up holes where light came thru inbtw the branches tt cast shadows.
it was a still and quiet night.. and all i hear was my own foot steps and the sound of tires of cars driving past on the road.. few pple were on the road w mi.. and at times no one was.
i took a right turn and walked along rivervale pri sch.. i observed tt those ixora shrubs tt lined along the school fence had grown up q abit.. they used to b abt the level of my knee.. but now they're at the level of my elbow.. tt's q tall for ixora shrubs right? but giant bougainvilla shrubs never fail to impress mi as well.. haaha :)
i've watched them for almost 8 years.. since i moved here.
and i past by the bball court to reach my lift.. passing by 2 gps of pple playing bball at each half of the court.. as i walked thru the court thru the midline.. i was thinking to complete the suay-ness of it all mayb i bball might fly and hit my head frm behind or sumthing.. n i kinda got to the other side of the court just as i finished imagining the malu-ness of tt incident tt fortunately didnt happen.
and well a sucky thing happened again.. while i'm happily blogging.. i forgot to go tape the match btw Man U and Bolton for my erge. and i was 10min late at taping aft i realized it and when i on the tv.. walao rooney scored! haiz 10min into the game onli leh.. so i missed the goal but luckily manage to tape the replay of it. msg my bro to tell mi and thought he wud say "shit, cant trust u w anything" but luckily he only replied "sighz. ok lar" so he isnt tt pissed w mi. i hope.
okie i guess this is a progressively bad wk.. and next wk's schedule seemed damn hectic but i'll keep my fingers crossed for a better wk to come.
i might just lose this post trying to publish it.. to add to my sad little pathetic life.
but as my famous saying go.. if u think it's true then it is.. if u think it's not ture then it's not. this is as real as anything in this world can get i think. provided u r not delusional.
* see i knew it. this is the 2nd time i'm posting this post cause there were errors when i tried to post it the first time.. and if i didnt preempt myself and copy the whole bloody post up.. it'll all b gone and i'll slam my laptop shut and swear something under my breath. haiz.. it's abt 3 pages of a font size 12 times new roman on a word doc.
i guess it didnt work out q the way i wanted..
well the day started w mi waking up w a hoarse voice.. but i kinda got it bk more or less.. and my busy day started w the well-baby clinic, then moving on to NUH to clerk a girl for tutorial then to the last bit of my lit review meeting..
everything was fine until i was typing this really long email to my chp group but just before i sent it.. i dunnoe wat i pressed on sy's laptop and the whole page was gone and the whole email was gone. pui. now i gotta go write another one..
never mind.. then the day went on w mi at novena buying 1 inch cubes and going to tpy to help at the public health screening.. lala and dinner w a couple of meddies all went on fine.. until i set out on my journey home..
i tried walking to a place i thought was the bus stop.. but it turned out to b the taxi stand then i walk bk where i came frm to the bus stop but i didnt have my bus.. so due to my poor sense of direction.. (as usual) i walked up and down teh same street 3 times.. cause i gotta walk bk beyond where the taxi stand was to the road perpendicular to where i was...
when i finally got to the correct busstop.. i thought tt ll b the end of my bad day but i was WRONG.
because i was looking forward to some quiet time home at the upperdeck of bus 88 alone w/o ah tan.. to think abt stuff and mayb read.. and try not to think abt ahtan's halloween party at zouk and alcohol. but lo and behold.. there came a small single decker bus tt was kinda packed..
so i resigned to the fact tt i'll haf to stand for an hour's journey home.. and got on the bus
then to my HORROR.. my ezlink card wasnt in my wallet.. because i took it out earlier to sign in for PHS and i kinda chucked it into the abyss of my gigantic bag..
and there i was clinging on the the taptap machine for my dear life on a bumpy bus.. trying to search for the ezlink card in the abyss of my gigantic bag under terribly dim lighting and all the time entertaining the thought of being thrown off the bus if i cant find the card to pay for my ride (well i cud use coins but it didnt occur to mi then) just as i was abt to b more frustrated w myself.. my fingertips brushed against tt thin piece of plastic and managed to save my ass..
so i "tee-ed" and moved in..
then my gigantic bag tt had an abyss kinda bang into this auntie's head.. she was seating behind where i was standing u see.. and i turned to apologize and she just glared at mi as if i did her some grave wrong in our past life.. so oh well "I'M SORRY"
and then there were seats freed up in front of mi and there was an excited elderly couple bent to get the seat.. i wasnt going to fight w them but in her excitement the auntie stepped on my left foot and the uncle kinda swiped he hand across my whole butt.. haiz wat's w my butt and old men's hand, i wonder? since it was probably accidental, i didnt grab him by the collar and didnt crash his balding head into the glass window but oh well.
then the long ride went on.. until i came home. feeling sicker by the minute.
ok.. i'm putting an end to this pathetic bad habit of recounting tiny bits of unimpt stuff tt led mi wallow in self-pity. all this bad vibes coming form the last few posts feels abit lame.. i might roll my eyes silently in my heart if someone comes up to mi complaining abt those complains i made.
so this has gotta stop and in an attempt to do so.. i shall try to recall positive things.
today i saw 3 babies.. 3, 5, 10mth old ones.. they're the cutest things.. and DA made alot more sense now aft Dr Amin went thru it w real life squirmy examples. there smiles and screams and tears tt stop ever so readily are q endearing.. so.. awwww..
and there was this auntie i especially rem helping her register for the PHS.. she kinda confided in mi abit more beyond those questions on the questionnaire i was adminstering and i thank her for that.. :) she made mi feel less robotic i guess.. and she smiles every so readily..
then there was this elderly indian lady on bus 88.. i kinda banged into her arm w my gigantic bag with an abyss but she just smiled and gave me the "it's ok, i understand look" (well mayb she wud haf reacted differently if i swiped her head w my bag) but it made mi feel less sian abt mi accidentally bumping into pple w my big bag. and she looked for mi immed aft the seat beside her freed up cause she knew i was carrying lotsa things.. she even smiled a goodbye before she left.. tt made mi happy for tt fleeting moment..
then there was ahtsui's attempt to buy mi dinner.. thnx man i appreciate ur kind thought.. altho it's abit puzzling but it's an act of kindness i guess :)
so enuff small good thngs tt happen right?
well i tried 2x to comfort my self-pitying sick soul/body today..
i got myself chocolate milk frm 7-11 downstairs of bukitmerah polyclinic..
cold choc milk calms mi down i think.. altho i wonder if it only started aft JC or it had been there all along
and on my way home.. in my last feeble attempt to comfort myself, i walked my fav route home..
it's abit longer than usual, this long str path along the road flanked with tall trees (tt had compound leaves). So when the wind blows and the dried leaves fall.. they form a pretty sight of small little yellow bits coming down frm above..
i liked this road best on an evening when the setting sun fliters thru the leaves..
at night.. it's kinda too dark to watch my pretty trees but i get to play w the shadows on the floor.. stepping in btw the lit-up holes where light came thru inbtw the branches tt cast shadows.
it was a still and quiet night.. and all i hear was my own foot steps and the sound of tires of cars driving past on the road.. few pple were on the road w mi.. and at times no one was.
i took a right turn and walked along rivervale pri sch.. i observed tt those ixora shrubs tt lined along the school fence had grown up q abit.. they used to b abt the level of my knee.. but now they're at the level of my elbow.. tt's q tall for ixora shrubs right? but giant bougainvilla shrubs never fail to impress mi as well.. haaha :)
i've watched them for almost 8 years.. since i moved here.
and i past by the bball court to reach my lift.. passing by 2 gps of pple playing bball at each half of the court.. as i walked thru the court thru the midline.. i was thinking to complete the suay-ness of it all mayb i bball might fly and hit my head frm behind or sumthing.. n i kinda got to the other side of the court just as i finished imagining the malu-ness of tt incident tt fortunately didnt happen.
and well a sucky thing happened again.. while i'm happily blogging.. i forgot to go tape the match btw Man U and Bolton for my erge. and i was 10min late at taping aft i realized it and when i on the tv.. walao rooney scored! haiz 10min into the game onli leh.. so i missed the goal but luckily manage to tape the replay of it. msg my bro to tell mi and thought he wud say "shit, cant trust u w anything" but luckily he only replied "sighz. ok lar" so he isnt tt pissed w mi. i hope.
okie i guess this is a progressively bad wk.. and next wk's schedule seemed damn hectic but i'll keep my fingers crossed for a better wk to come.
i might just lose this post trying to publish it.. to add to my sad little pathetic life.
but as my famous saying go.. if u think it's true then it is.. if u think it's not ture then it's not. this is as real as anything in this world can get i think. provided u r not delusional.
* see i knew it. this is the 2nd time i'm posting this post cause there were errors when i tried to post it the first time.. and if i didnt preempt myself and copy the whole bloody post up.. it'll all b gone and i'll slam my laptop shut and swear something under my breath. haiz.. it's abt 3 pages of a font size 12 times new roman on a word doc.
my last line to my long post just now was hope nothing else bad happens to mi
but it just did a few seconds ago.. i just lost a damn long post.
so i'll have to leave out the details and summarize
bad things happen but i met nice kind pple la
1) cant feel the heptaosplenomeg in a young girl w ascites - on of my worse nightmares
2) the strap of my slipper came of
- so slipper became nonfunctional
- cant find anyone to borrow extra footwear
- tempted to steal OT's crocs lookalike
- an auntie and a young guy in red shirt helped mi fix the slipper temporarily altho i was left stranded and bare footed at the corridor near lift lobby 2 for dunnoe how long
- bought slippers at bazzar in the end
3) sneezing alot.. prob got frm kids due to my poor hand hygiene the first 2 days
4) friday's gone :( spent sleeping n studying in lib aft dinner
5) lost a long long post
i'm having a bad streak / a series of unfortunate events recently.. this gotta stop
my mum went ahead to get new frame for my specs in an attempt to revive it and i didnt participate in the purchase so wonder how it wud turn out.
wellbaby clinic, clerking, chp meeting, public health screening tmr
how to b at some many places at one time? i try la
fen1 shen1 shu4!!
my last line to my long post just now was hope nothing else bad happens to mi
but it just did a few seconds ago.. i just lost a damn long post.
so i'll have to leave out the details and summarize
bad things happen but i met nice kind pple la
1) cant feel the heptaosplenomeg in a young girl w ascites - on of my worse nightmares
2) the strap of my slipper came of
- so slipper became nonfunctional
- cant find anyone to borrow extra footwear
- tempted to steal OT's crocs lookalike
- an auntie and a young guy in red shirt helped mi fix the slipper temporarily altho i was left stranded and bare footed at the corridor near lift lobby 2 for dunnoe how long
- bought slippers at bazzar in the end
3) sneezing alot.. prob got frm kids due to my poor hand hygiene the first 2 days
4) friday's gone :( spent sleeping n studying in lib aft dinner
5) lost a long long post
i'm having a bad streak / a series of unfortunate events recently.. this gotta stop
my mum went ahead to get new frame for my specs in an attempt to revive it and i didnt participate in the purchase so wonder how it wud turn out.
wellbaby clinic, clerking, chp meeting, public health screening tmr
how to b at some many places at one time? i try la
fen1 shen1 shu4!!
木曜日, 10月 26, 2006
today i talked to q a few gin-nas haha they are really q cute.. and there's those little ones that babbles only oohh~ man i better study hard so tt i can figure them out better.. kids make mi happy i guess.
and i donated bld. 345ml cant donate more cause she say my Hb 12 which is normal but not high enuff to donate more. hmm.. got free milo n biscuit n a free gv movie tix n Fe tablets.. woah but also a relatively big needle puncture mark.. it wasnt pain when they inserted the needle but prior to tt the needle with lignocain was abit pain sia..
lalala q fun :)
thnx 2 my 2 tudis for the bkmark frm taiwan..
and i donated bld. 345ml cant donate more cause she say my Hb 12 which is normal but not high enuff to donate more. hmm.. got free milo n biscuit n a free gv movie tix n Fe tablets.. woah but also a relatively big needle puncture mark.. it wasnt pain when they inserted the needle but prior to tt the needle with lignocain was abit pain sia..
lalala q fun :)
thnx 2 my 2 tudis for the bkmark frm taiwan..
月曜日, 10月 23, 2006
well let mi just blog a quick one cause i really need to get some sleep to be all ready for my PAEDS posting tmr.. :)
tsktsk for coming home near 1am the day before school starts haaa but i had a lovely time tonight
started w Italian food at Spizza.. although i didnt get my well-deserved gratification of zooming past a long queue because i made a reservation, and they made me wait outside the restaurant while they cleared the table even aft a made a reservation.. it was fun eating there.
the appetiser w grilled veg, mozarella cheese wasnt really something i liked alot but it was fun listening serene introducing the ingredients used.. and the cheese was the best part of it i think. the pizza was good i must say.. the juicy mushroom.. hmmmmm :)
fel says we lack a good bottle of wine and all of us couldnt agree more..
ooh and the hazelhut hot chocolate from starbucks was good.. w the melting whipcream.. it brings in a warm fuzzy feeling into me.
and then there was the movie.. From Subway with love - a Czech Republic film, the 2nd last one from EUFF. it was a rather entertaining and funny movie and i enjoyed it..
the line tt i rem most: An ideal man is like a virus that invades a woman's rationality
haha :)
and i wondered wat Femigel that was used was.. a spermicide? or just a lubricant? do pple us lubricants lidat?.. i wonder. oh well haa
the love letter on a subway advertisement board and oliver's figure through the glass windows of his lit-up office reminded me of the mtv of Daniel Powter's Bad day, somehow.. and how laura loves oliver this 40yrold older man.. and we actually talked about our weird infatuation for charming older men/ profs from school haaa :)
oh fel i haf another example.. how i really like richard gere frm Pretty Woman :p men w greying hair haaa..
the happy ending of everyone finding love during Christmas is abit of a cliche but it still warms our hearts right? how the right people will meet each other on christmas. haa and so the saying goes. but it brought abit of a christmacy feeling into my heart...
i think it's a nice film for girls.
thnx ser crystal fel n fel's sis geraldine for a geat evening.
too bad peiyun cudnt join us.
the guy sitting beside me in the cinema is kinda like an uncle.. he wore a white tshirt and white berms and he was the first one to rushed out of the cinema as soon as the film ended.. and he came to watch the movie alone.. when ll i go for my first movie alone? i wonder.. i need to choose a correct therapeutic film for that special occasion i think :)
despite the snowy christmacy feeling i got frm the movie, i gotta clear pharmaco paeds chp cofm before christmas comes in 2mths.. lalala
there's still so many to-watch movie on my list.. if i'm lucky i might be going for my first big-screen R(21) show tmr haa let see how it goes.
at 12midnite i was standing at the roundabt near hougang mrt w serene waiting for my dad to come pick us up.. we talked abt the rain, the tree (the strategic tree) and perception~
the last min of my hols has ended.. i'm into the first hour of school!!
okie better go sleep.
tsktsk for coming home near 1am the day before school starts haaa but i had a lovely time tonight
started w Italian food at Spizza.. although i didnt get my well-deserved gratification of zooming past a long queue because i made a reservation, and they made me wait outside the restaurant while they cleared the table even aft a made a reservation.. it was fun eating there.
the appetiser w grilled veg, mozarella cheese wasnt really something i liked alot but it was fun listening serene introducing the ingredients used.. and the cheese was the best part of it i think. the pizza was good i must say.. the juicy mushroom.. hmmmmm :)
fel says we lack a good bottle of wine and all of us couldnt agree more..
ooh and the hazelhut hot chocolate from starbucks was good.. w the melting whipcream.. it brings in a warm fuzzy feeling into me.
and then there was the movie.. From Subway with love - a Czech Republic film, the 2nd last one from EUFF. it was a rather entertaining and funny movie and i enjoyed it..
the line tt i rem most: An ideal man is like a virus that invades a woman's rationality
haha :)
and i wondered wat Femigel that was used was.. a spermicide? or just a lubricant? do pple us lubricants lidat?.. i wonder. oh well haa
the love letter on a subway advertisement board and oliver's figure through the glass windows of his lit-up office reminded me of the mtv of Daniel Powter's Bad day, somehow.. and how laura loves oliver this 40yrold older man.. and we actually talked about our weird infatuation for charming older men/ profs from school haaa :)
oh fel i haf another example.. how i really like richard gere frm Pretty Woman :p men w greying hair haaa..
the happy ending of everyone finding love during Christmas is abit of a cliche but it still warms our hearts right? how the right people will meet each other on christmas. haa and so the saying goes. but it brought abit of a christmacy feeling into my heart...
i think it's a nice film for girls.
thnx ser crystal fel n fel's sis geraldine for a geat evening.
too bad peiyun cudnt join us.
the guy sitting beside me in the cinema is kinda like an uncle.. he wore a white tshirt and white berms and he was the first one to rushed out of the cinema as soon as the film ended.. and he came to watch the movie alone.. when ll i go for my first movie alone? i wonder.. i need to choose a correct therapeutic film for that special occasion i think :)
despite the snowy christmacy feeling i got frm the movie, i gotta clear pharmaco paeds chp cofm before christmas comes in 2mths.. lalala
there's still so many to-watch movie on my list.. if i'm lucky i might be going for my first big-screen R(21) show tmr haa let see how it goes.
at 12midnite i was standing at the roundabt near hougang mrt w serene waiting for my dad to come pick us up.. we talked abt the rain, the tree (the strategic tree) and perception~
the last min of my hols has ended.. i'm into the first hour of school!!
okie better go sleep.
金曜日, 10月 20, 2006
last night when carol asked me what i did in the week i had so much trouble recalling.. maybe because i'm so tired trying to maximize my holidays that i cant really remember wat i did.. then i read ser's blog and suddenly it all came back..
haaa reading her blog at such an hour.. she's probably not awake yet but well i gotta jot this down because it's so impt n i dont wanna forget it
my week started w thurs when we met up at cedele for dinner.. where the sandwiches were pretty good and i love the ambience.. the nice warm yellow hue to the whole restaurant.. looking out frm the inside of wheelock place into the wet dark streets along orchard road that was standing in the drizzle.. the rain kept the crowd away and we had a good time.. laughing over the slightest silly things and just enjoying each other's company..
then there were the nostalgic bus 88 ride and ser's post of our conversation..
thnx for triggering the little memory at the back of my head.. those interesting conversations we always have.. so spontaneous yet so cheem at times..
reminising abt the upper deck first seat of the bus.. and taking goofy pix.. i'll post them soon.
passing by ur home and asking for a cup of tea.. wonder if we would still be able to do that many years from now yea?
and friday saw us checking out vivocity shopping for clothes to keep u nice chic and warm.. us giving up alcohol for a cup of coffee bean and cakes.. :) how we engage in long coversations abt geminis and how we both wanted to be abit more like the other
yea it's good to have pple that have known u for sooo long and mayb know u more than u know urself right?
and our dinner at jap restaurant.. it never fails to bring a smile to my face when u quote and unquote all our conversations.. haaa we are q funny pple ya and py's catching up!!
"because i had Wil*eyes.. tt's y u like me" hahaa
cant wait for EUFF subway w love, on sunday w u guys!
haaa reading her blog at such an hour.. she's probably not awake yet but well i gotta jot this down because it's so impt n i dont wanna forget it
my week started w thurs when we met up at cedele for dinner.. where the sandwiches were pretty good and i love the ambience.. the nice warm yellow hue to the whole restaurant.. looking out frm the inside of wheelock place into the wet dark streets along orchard road that was standing in the drizzle.. the rain kept the crowd away and we had a good time.. laughing over the slightest silly things and just enjoying each other's company..
then there were the nostalgic bus 88 ride and ser's post of our conversation..
thnx for triggering the little memory at the back of my head.. those interesting conversations we always have.. so spontaneous yet so cheem at times..
reminising abt the upper deck first seat of the bus.. and taking goofy pix.. i'll post them soon.
passing by ur home and asking for a cup of tea.. wonder if we would still be able to do that many years from now yea?
and friday saw us checking out vivocity shopping for clothes to keep u nice chic and warm.. us giving up alcohol for a cup of coffee bean and cakes.. :) how we engage in long coversations abt geminis and how we both wanted to be abit more like the other
yea it's good to have pple that have known u for sooo long and mayb know u more than u know urself right?
and our dinner at jap restaurant.. it never fails to bring a smile to my face when u quote and unquote all our conversations.. haaa we are q funny pple ya and py's catching up!!
"because i had Wil*eyes.. tt's y u like me" hahaa
cant wait for EUFF subway w love, on sunday w u guys!
brrr.. waking up to such a cold morning.. with an aching back is q a hard task..
i took so long to get up from underneath my nice and warm blanket.. how i wish i cud stay in there in such a weather for a much longer time
but no i cant.. i gotta wait till 9+ to call my cofm patient cause she bangseh mi yest
i feel sorry towards weifeng n py for going down w mi just to find tt my patient was not in.. sorry abt tt.. but she really told mi she wud b home when i called earlier in the week.. well i could have called yest morning to check but it just didnt occur to me.. bukit batok leh.. do u noe how far it is frm my house...... hahahaa
nvm hope we can do the visit today before rhuemato tutorial at AH
aft parting w py n weifeng and ended up at bugis area.. i went to check out books at YN and popular and went to shop ard raffles city n citylink myself... and bought 2 new tops! yay muahaha
then i met up w my dear judo girls.. aww i miss them..
dinner at the HK place at marina was interesting.. i had sweet n sour chicken spagetti.. not fantastic but interesting enuff.. and had a yuanyang... altho i'm no coffee drinker and it had a rather strong coffee taste but i cud still taste the tea beneath it all and thus it might be a good drink for me to start learning how to tolerate coffee haaa
then there was the giant icekachang which we ate but it toppled 1/2 way resulting in a couple of screams frm us followed by 1sec of pindrop silence from the whole restaurant hahahah it was really really funny
then spontaneously we suggesting ktv.. and found out tt kbox had LADIES NITE w no cover charge.. wat better deal for an outing of 7 LADIES right haaa
so frm 8-11 was singing singing singing non stop!!
aww i miss singing w them
it's always so fun.. a good mix of jaychou by mi carol beng and liangjingru+sunyanzi by the smallones oldies songs like dang ai cha shen er guo n zhengzhongji's songs haaaaa and of course attempted F.I.R and slaughtered a thousand chickens.. of course the damn funny songs like calcutta taxitaxi, say my name etc oh my.. where we laughed damn alot.. altho there was no dancing on the sofa or stage but we had fun i guess..
because we have known each other for so long.. we could totally let loose and do stupid things.. i no need to paiseh to control myself so haha it was therapeutic i must say.. singing my heart out into the mic.. altho i cant sing v well haa dont care already la.. lalala
by the time i'm home.. i was really tired and now i feel like nua-ing in my bed a little longer..
just a little while more haaa :)
i took so long to get up from underneath my nice and warm blanket.. how i wish i cud stay in there in such a weather for a much longer time
but no i cant.. i gotta wait till 9+ to call my cofm patient cause she bangseh mi yest
i feel sorry towards weifeng n py for going down w mi just to find tt my patient was not in.. sorry abt tt.. but she really told mi she wud b home when i called earlier in the week.. well i could have called yest morning to check but it just didnt occur to me.. bukit batok leh.. do u noe how far it is frm my house...... hahahaa
nvm hope we can do the visit today before rhuemato tutorial at AH
aft parting w py n weifeng and ended up at bugis area.. i went to check out books at YN and popular and went to shop ard raffles city n citylink myself... and bought 2 new tops! yay muahaha
then i met up w my dear judo girls.. aww i miss them..
dinner at the HK place at marina was interesting.. i had sweet n sour chicken spagetti.. not fantastic but interesting enuff.. and had a yuanyang... altho i'm no coffee drinker and it had a rather strong coffee taste but i cud still taste the tea beneath it all and thus it might be a good drink for me to start learning how to tolerate coffee haaa
then there was the giant icekachang which we ate but it toppled 1/2 way resulting in a couple of screams frm us followed by 1sec of pindrop silence from the whole restaurant hahahah it was really really funny
then spontaneously we suggesting ktv.. and found out tt kbox had LADIES NITE w no cover charge.. wat better deal for an outing of 7 LADIES right haaa
so frm 8-11 was singing singing singing non stop!!
aww i miss singing w them
it's always so fun.. a good mix of jaychou by mi carol beng and liangjingru+sunyanzi by the smallones oldies songs like dang ai cha shen er guo n zhengzhongji's songs haaaaa and of course attempted F.I.R and slaughtered a thousand chickens.. of course the damn funny songs like calcutta taxitaxi, say my name etc oh my.. where we laughed damn alot.. altho there was no dancing on the sofa or stage but we had fun i guess..
because we have known each other for so long.. we could totally let loose and do stupid things.. i no need to paiseh to control myself so haha it was therapeutic i must say.. singing my heart out into the mic.. altho i cant sing v well haa dont care already la.. lalala
by the time i'm home.. i was really tired and now i feel like nua-ing in my bed a little longer..
just a little while more haaa :)
last friday was the last day we'll be together as a CG haha nice getting to know u guys better throughout these 16wks of med and surg posting!
peiyun me yingci tohhan renjun weechuan weifeng jonathan!
it was really enjoyable learning w u guys ya.. :)
and this foto was taken outside ward 43 along the corridor to the paeds ward.. it must be a sign cause i'm returning to NUH for 4wks of paeds posting haa..
take care peeps.. i have so much memories of u guys.. from AH until NUH.. it had been fun :)
haha renjun.. i think he brought alot of joy and laughter to our CG.. tutorials were never boring if he was around.. w comments such as dds and the "zhap" of the stomach
despite wat our tutors say.. i think his way of approaching patients is nice and friendly and i'm sure patients ll like docs tt are so friendly.. so hang in there for a while more than aft becoming a doc u can "HELLO" the patients all u wan! :)
despite wat our tutors say.. i think his way of approaching patients is nice and friendly and i'm sure patients ll like docs tt are so friendly.. so hang in there for a while more than aft becoming a doc u can "HELLO" the patients all u wan! :)
yea nice knowing u altho the first thing u ever said to me in med sch wasnt so nice right? right? haha

oh n the foto below is a pair of shoes that lasted only 1/2 a posting before it became q nua.. the first day i wore it.. i lost a ribbon so i took off the other one for symmetry but it didnt last long is guess.. carol says it's gross i post fotos of such nua shoes haaa.. yea usu before i throw away the shoes i have a habit of taking pix for memory sake.. mayb next time i shud take immediately after i buy it when it still looks brand new! hahaa
i have been procrastinating on foto posting.. damn tired today letmi see how mani fotos i can get up.. :)
火曜日, 10月 17, 2006

my shoes frm med posting.. they are really nice and cofmy and airy so tt wont become chou haa
and fidah and sara really liked them.. always threatening to rob them from me.. :)
then the sole became so out of friction that i kept falling down with them... in nuh the 4th floor connection btw nuh and krw.. i always fall down.. once in front of my MO in urology and i think since then he always go that um-chio face when he sees me.. not sure if i'm just paranoid. but well it's gone now since i've chucked it

well i think i've got lotsa stuff to do this afternoon.. but i'm feeling abit slack and unmotivated.. this is no good. :(
btw this couple of days i've been going out q alot.. mayb too much so i am actually feeling a little bit tired right now.. the haze is irritating my eyes i think.. whenever i look out of my window but it's surprisingly windy.. more windy than usual.
oh on friday i told ser abt meeting a stranger-friend at a bus stop.. he msged again yest but i was wondering if i should reply.. there is always this part of me that like to make new friends but there's also a part of me who's fully aware that watever he told me about himself might not be true and i really should be wary. even though i didnt lie abt anything. haiz but q sian abt it all... although i will seem to appear quite insincere about knowing this new stranger-friend right. oh well.
then there was my ah-ma's 65th birthday celebration at downtown east sakura international buffet.. ate damn alot that night.. :p but it was good catching up w my cousins.. especially HEAL and our fototaking habits die hard.
although i could answer the million-dollar-qn of the night easily.. i have to give 20points to angel for her qian bian wen da ti!
Q: why did dou (bean) go to jail?
A: Dou sha bao
*somebody! stab me.. * muahaha
all my dear relatives i dont get to see so often.. because everyone's busy w their down lives... but well CNY ll be here soon.. there's a teochew saying my mama just taught me recently and a direct translation ll be
the month is afraid of the 15th
the new year is afraid of mid autumn fest.
because once the 15th of the mth is over, the month ll be coming to an end really soon
and once the MAF is over, the new year ll be here really soon :)
then there was the rushing btw vivocity and marina on sunday to catch brothers from the euro film fest. jap food at marina was pretty good..
the film i must agree w serene that i'm not really sure y it's called brothers cause i think the main focus of the movie wasnt so much of the relationship btw michael and jannik.
i like the way there are many closeup shots of the people.. the lips when the couple kissed, the hands of the dad at his son's 'funeral', the eyes lit up by the bit of sun coming in when the soldier was held in captive.. i hafnt really watched any movie that brought me so close to stare at something.. and i think it's a rather sad and depressing show depicting how a nice happy family man was completely changed after he have to club a fellow armyguy to death in order to stay alive.. just moments after he hugged the teary man to reassure him that both of them ll get out alive. will i have done the same i wonder? or will i have insisted on not killing a stranger-friend and end up getting killed myself, and never be able to see my family again? i dont know and i hope that i never have to know.
then there was our jap food date w S.. thnx for the treat.. the food was nice:)
looking at her getting round on a wheelchair is amazing.. but at the same time it's frustrating when she keeps on insisting on giving up on her treatment and we have no way to help her if she is not willing to help herself.. she may be right that we all ultimately die.. so she doesnt wan to go 4 dialysis anymore she doesnt wan2 take her medicine anymore..
i dunnoe la.. like wat py say.. we cant argue w her if she doesnt wan2 change her mindset..
i dunnoe how.
sometimes u wan 2 help but u feel inadequate and helpless in a different way rite?
i better get the fotos up soon
hafnt taken pix in a long time.. so glad to have fotos.. of my cg and my family and just stuff in general..
py always disapproves of my excessive fototaking enthusiasm but oh well.. i really hafnt been taking pix for the past many mths.. and i'll regret it i think when i'm old and wrinkly and my memory start to fail me.. although i'm v troublesome.. but thnx to pple who are welling to accomodate me and spend time letting me take pix w them la haaa
piano again tonite.. better go practice
btw this couple of days i've been going out q alot.. mayb too much so i am actually feeling a little bit tired right now.. the haze is irritating my eyes i think.. whenever i look out of my window but it's surprisingly windy.. more windy than usual.
oh on friday i told ser abt meeting a stranger-friend at a bus stop.. he msged again yest but i was wondering if i should reply.. there is always this part of me that like to make new friends but there's also a part of me who's fully aware that watever he told me about himself might not be true and i really should be wary. even though i didnt lie abt anything. haiz but q sian abt it all... although i will seem to appear quite insincere about knowing this new stranger-friend right. oh well.
then there was my ah-ma's 65th birthday celebration at downtown east sakura international buffet.. ate damn alot that night.. :p but it was good catching up w my cousins.. especially HEAL and our fototaking habits die hard.
although i could answer the million-dollar-qn of the night easily.. i have to give 20points to angel for her qian bian wen da ti!
Q: why did dou (bean) go to jail?
A: Dou sha bao
*somebody! stab me.. * muahaha
all my dear relatives i dont get to see so often.. because everyone's busy w their down lives... but well CNY ll be here soon.. there's a teochew saying my mama just taught me recently and a direct translation ll be
the month is afraid of the 15th
the new year is afraid of mid autumn fest.
because once the 15th of the mth is over, the month ll be coming to an end really soon
and once the MAF is over, the new year ll be here really soon :)
then there was the rushing btw vivocity and marina on sunday to catch brothers from the euro film fest. jap food at marina was pretty good..
the film i must agree w serene that i'm not really sure y it's called brothers cause i think the main focus of the movie wasnt so much of the relationship btw michael and jannik.
i like the way there are many closeup shots of the people.. the lips when the couple kissed, the hands of the dad at his son's 'funeral', the eyes lit up by the bit of sun coming in when the soldier was held in captive.. i hafnt really watched any movie that brought me so close to stare at something.. and i think it's a rather sad and depressing show depicting how a nice happy family man was completely changed after he have to club a fellow armyguy to death in order to stay alive.. just moments after he hugged the teary man to reassure him that both of them ll get out alive. will i have done the same i wonder? or will i have insisted on not killing a stranger-friend and end up getting killed myself, and never be able to see my family again? i dont know and i hope that i never have to know.
then there was our jap food date w S.. thnx for the treat.. the food was nice:)
looking at her getting round on a wheelchair is amazing.. but at the same time it's frustrating when she keeps on insisting on giving up on her treatment and we have no way to help her if she is not willing to help herself.. she may be right that we all ultimately die.. so she doesnt wan to go 4 dialysis anymore she doesnt wan2 take her medicine anymore..
i dunnoe la.. like wat py say.. we cant argue w her if she doesnt wan2 change her mindset..
i dunnoe how.
sometimes u wan 2 help but u feel inadequate and helpless in a different way rite?
i better get the fotos up soon
hafnt taken pix in a long time.. so glad to have fotos.. of my cg and my family and just stuff in general..
py always disapproves of my excessive fototaking enthusiasm but oh well.. i really hafnt been taking pix for the past many mths.. and i'll regret it i think when i'm old and wrinkly and my memory start to fail me.. although i'm v troublesome.. but thnx to pple who are welling to accomodate me and spend time letting me take pix w them la haaa
piano again tonite.. better go practice
土曜日, 10月 14, 2006
my last day of surgery have been interesting..
well the TMAC i was previously talking abt was done on a lady w funating phyllodes sarcoma.. nothing i have seen before.
today.. was q a slack day, because it was the last day already and we prettly much had nothing to do.. however i got rejected by 3 patients today.. 2 just didnt reply me and the other got irritated half way into the hx taking.. :( so i was q sad la
we've got a cg foto finally yay! i'll miss them.. everyone in cg1..
and the xchange students maria and susan.. they're really nice pple too
then i got to watch ERCP and EUS which was q an eyeopener.. the doc in there was a rather nice guy
and i got to fulfil my wish of sitting at the swing outside the paeds ward.. q paiseh cause got some parents just stare at mi.. but i've always wanted to do it u see..
so yay..
and then i went to check out vivo city w serene
shopped for winter wear for her trip to spain
bought a new pair of shoes
n ate macs followed by coffee bean
we r becoming more healthy as we abandoned our alcohol for coffee and cakes!! haha
then my dad came to pick us up w an almost empty tank and we had problems finding a kiosk.. he made me drive and w the impending doom of finishing the tank of oil n possibly having to push the car/.. i finally found the kiosk muahaha and never haf i been so happy in my life to say full tank pls..
ohwell i've got lots to write but i need sleep n cant concentrate liao..
gotta go slp
well the TMAC i was previously talking abt was done on a lady w funating phyllodes sarcoma.. nothing i have seen before.
today.. was q a slack day, because it was the last day already and we prettly much had nothing to do.. however i got rejected by 3 patients today.. 2 just didnt reply me and the other got irritated half way into the hx taking.. :( so i was q sad la
we've got a cg foto finally yay! i'll miss them.. everyone in cg1..
and the xchange students maria and susan.. they're really nice pple too
then i got to watch ERCP and EUS which was q an eyeopener.. the doc in there was a rather nice guy
and i got to fulfil my wish of sitting at the swing outside the paeds ward.. q paiseh cause got some parents just stare at mi.. but i've always wanted to do it u see..
so yay..
and then i went to check out vivo city w serene
shopped for winter wear for her trip to spain
bought a new pair of shoes
n ate macs followed by coffee bean
we r becoming more healthy as we abandoned our alcohol for coffee and cakes!! haha
then my dad came to pick us up w an almost empty tank and we had problems finding a kiosk.. he made me drive and w the impending doom of finishing the tank of oil n possibly having to push the car/.. i finally found the kiosk muahaha and never haf i been so happy in my life to say full tank pls..
ohwell i've got lots to write but i need sleep n cant concentrate liao..
gotta go slp
金曜日, 10月 13, 2006
i feel asleep yest while i was waiting for this to load..
yest being the 2nd last day of my m3 surgery posting.. it was q exciting.. i watched a TMAC and TRAM flap being done.. the TRAM flap was absolutely ingenious, v exciting
and i put in the first 1.5 stitches of my life..
woah! thnx dr bryan.. he actually let us scrub in just to stitch :D
the human skin and subcutaneous tissue is different frm the synthetic pad.. much softer and easier to poke through
and yes Dr S thinks we are german, too fair to b singaporeans.. what the?!?
the plastics and breast team are q funny.. saying leng xiao hua during OP tt's really not v good lor..
then was dinner w py and ahtan... where we laughed every so much..
and of course the nostalgic bus 88 ride home yea serene? the locations of the bus stops remained the same but the pple in there sitting right in front on the top deck had kinda been growing up issint it?
time to go sch.
yest being the 2nd last day of my m3 surgery posting.. it was q exciting.. i watched a TMAC and TRAM flap being done.. the TRAM flap was absolutely ingenious, v exciting
and i put in the first 1.5 stitches of my life..
woah! thnx dr bryan.. he actually let us scrub in just to stitch :D
the human skin and subcutaneous tissue is different frm the synthetic pad.. much softer and easier to poke through
and yes Dr S thinks we are german, too fair to b singaporeans.. what the?!?
the plastics and breast team are q funny.. saying leng xiao hua during OP tt's really not v good lor..
then was dinner w py and ahtan... where we laughed every so much..
and of course the nostalgic bus 88 ride home yea serene? the locations of the bus stops remained the same but the pple in there sitting right in front on the top deck had kinda been growing up issint it?
time to go sch.
水曜日, 10月 11, 2006
oh my.. my new found acquaintance just asked mi to go watch movie aft we only spoke for 10min haaa
wah so happening.. this is so sec sch sia.. i really shud go read my Browse soon
why does he wan2 go out w a stranger? this is weird.. hmm
eh frens of mine better ask mi go watch movie w u all leh.. in case i kena tempted to watch movies w strangers right.. dangerous dangerous..
to fel n ser.. how which film frm the euro film fest r we going to catch? i'm looking forward to them..
ya n y do they always ask for ur # at the end? to keep in touch?
i dont get it..
hmm.. all this feels so "young"
i'm aging by the second sia
wah so happening.. this is so sec sch sia.. i really shud go read my Browse soon
why does he wan2 go out w a stranger? this is weird.. hmm
eh frens of mine better ask mi go watch movie w u all leh.. in case i kena tempted to watch movies w strangers right.. dangerous dangerous..
to fel n ser.. how which film frm the euro film fest r we going to catch? i'm looking forward to them..
ya n y do they always ask for ur # at the end? to keep in touch?
i dont get it..
hmm.. all this feels so "young"
i'm aging by the second sia
i've just spent an hr online emailing profs and docs to arrange for stuff
haizz being reps has alot of saikang involved sia.. but oh well i'm not exactly complaining alot
currently i speaking to a stranger on msn tt i kinda added by mistake.. and i suddenly realize i've not done this in a zillion years and have probably grown out of it.
mayb because i'm not so young n naive and interested in these unknown pple w/o faces
mayb cause i get to meet strangers everyday in the wards
mayb cause i just too tired to hold this conversations cause i got some much stuff to read up on and really should be spending my time more wisely
watever it is.. haiz
anyway thnx to tohhan's dad i took an alternative route home.. bus 86.. all the nostalgia from the good old school days b4 NEL started working
walking a diff way home proved to b q an enjoyable experience.. something out of routine
the streetlights lining TPE kinda lit up the expressway giving it a dusty feeling because of the haze.. it looked q pretty but dirty at the same time..
so i guess pretty and dirty/dusty can go well.. u noe giving it an old antique feeling to it all
like a fading foto or a piece of paper tt has turned yellow.. the night sky was lit up w this warm yellow hue as well
2 more days to end of surgery.
i'll write more another time
haizz being reps has alot of saikang involved sia.. but oh well i'm not exactly complaining alot
currently i speaking to a stranger on msn tt i kinda added by mistake.. and i suddenly realize i've not done this in a zillion years and have probably grown out of it.
mayb because i'm not so young n naive and interested in these unknown pple w/o faces
mayb cause i get to meet strangers everyday in the wards
mayb cause i just too tired to hold this conversations cause i got some much stuff to read up on and really should be spending my time more wisely
watever it is.. haiz
anyway thnx to tohhan's dad i took an alternative route home.. bus 86.. all the nostalgia from the good old school days b4 NEL started working
walking a diff way home proved to b q an enjoyable experience.. something out of routine
the streetlights lining TPE kinda lit up the expressway giving it a dusty feeling because of the haze.. it looked q pretty but dirty at the same time..
so i guess pretty and dirty/dusty can go well.. u noe giving it an old antique feeling to it all
like a fading foto or a piece of paper tt has turned yellow.. the night sky was lit up w this warm yellow hue as well
2 more days to end of surgery.
i'll write more another time
it's so early in the morning at 5+ and i woke up.. feeling so tired i think i cant move my aching back..
i just seemed like a few short moments ago that i kinda doze off in front of my com.. talking to a couple of frens on msn.
i feeling really tried today, mayb a shower now ll really help me start the day off.
i kinda became the gp leader of chp group.. getting a teeny weeny bit worried cause i know tt since young i never really made it 2 be a good leader.. or i kinda dont really wat it takes to b a good one in my own opinion la.. oh well we'll just see how it goes la.. i'll try
last 3 days into surg posting.. so many things to do next wk.. and i brand new cg new environment from then on.. wonder how it'll b like
now tt the surg test is over i feel tt i can breathe a little better but i've been sleeping on the breast chap too much this is no good. better buck up my fren.
happy birthday MO! sorrie i cant make it for ur thingy.. have loads of fun, go catch an R(A) movie or sumthing. (well i hafnt done tt yet)
to a fren i've known since sec1 right? been in the same class sec1,2 j1,2 and now..
an instant tearer, always doddling on my stuff w lotsa "ah min"s
thnx for making sch fun for mi k.. esp those allton-chasing days we used to have rite?
sitting together in the little corner in our container class room.. haaa
all the best la k.
ok think my eyes can open a bit wider now, that's a good sign!
ll b late if i dont move my butt..
haa to think i spelt w my laptop right front of my head.. n those days of the lion frm narnia growling into my face.. lalala
i just seemed like a few short moments ago that i kinda doze off in front of my com.. talking to a couple of frens on msn.
i feeling really tried today, mayb a shower now ll really help me start the day off.
i kinda became the gp leader of chp group.. getting a teeny weeny bit worried cause i know tt since young i never really made it 2 be a good leader.. or i kinda dont really wat it takes to b a good one in my own opinion la.. oh well we'll just see how it goes la.. i'll try
last 3 days into surg posting.. so many things to do next wk.. and i brand new cg new environment from then on.. wonder how it'll b like
now tt the surg test is over i feel tt i can breathe a little better but i've been sleeping on the breast chap too much this is no good. better buck up my fren.
happy birthday MO! sorrie i cant make it for ur thingy.. have loads of fun, go catch an R(A) movie or sumthing. (well i hafnt done tt yet)
to a fren i've known since sec1 right? been in the same class sec1,2 j1,2 and now..
an instant tearer, always doddling on my stuff w lotsa "ah min"s
thnx for making sch fun for mi k.. esp those allton-chasing days we used to have rite?
sitting together in the little corner in our container class room.. haaa
all the best la k.
ok think my eyes can open a bit wider now, that's a good sign!
ll b late if i dont move my butt..
haa to think i spelt w my laptop right front of my head.. n those days of the lion frm narnia growling into my face.. lalala
日曜日, 10月 08, 2006
A young man learns what's most important in life from the guy next door.
It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, girls, career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of his dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.
Over the phone, his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday."
Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days.
"Jack, did you hear me?"
"Oh sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It' s been so long since I thought of him. I'm sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago," Jack said.
"Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing. He'd reminisce about the many days you spent over 'his side of the fence' as he put it," Mom told him."I loved that old house he lived in," Jack said.
"You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man's influence in your life," she said.
"He's the one who taught me carpentry," he said. "I wouldn't be in this business if it weren't for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were important...Mom, I'll be there for the funeral," Jack said.
As busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown. Mr. Belser's funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away.
The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time. Standing in the doorway, Jack paused for a moment. It was like crossing over into another dimension, a leap through space and time. The house was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture....Jack stopped suddenly.
"What's wrong, Jack?" his Mom asked.
"The box is gone," he said."What box?" Mom asked.
"There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he'd ever tell me was the thing I value most," Jack said. It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it.
"Now I'll never know what was so valuable to him," Jack said. "I better get some sleep. I have an early flight home, Mom."
It had been about two weeks since Mr. Belser died. Returning home from work one day Jack discovered a note in his mailbox. "Signature required on a package. No one at home. Please stop by the main post office within the next three days," the note read.
Early the next day Jack retrieved the package. The small box was old and looked like it had been mailed a hundred years ago. The handwriting was difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention. "Mr. Harold Belser" it read.
Jack took the box out to his car and ripped open the package. There inside was the gold box and an envelope. Jack's hands shook as he read the note inside. "Upon my death, please forward this box and its contents to Jack Bennett. It's the thing I valued most in my life."A small key was taped to the letter. His heart racing, as tears filling his eyes,! Jack carefully unlocked the box. There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. Running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the cover. Inside he found these words engraved: "Jack, Thanks for your time! - Harold Belser."
"The thing he valued most...was...my time."
Jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his office and cleared his appointments for the next two days. "Why?" Janet, his assistant asked."I need some time to spend with my son," he said. "Oh, by the way, Janet...thanks for your time!"
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away,"
Think about this. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.
- got this thru a mail from wan tin... and somehow felt that the passage kinda spoke to me. :)
It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, girls, career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of his dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.
Over the phone, his mother told him, "Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday."
Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days.
"Jack, did you hear me?"
"Oh sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It' s been so long since I thought of him. I'm sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago," Jack said.
"Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing. He'd reminisce about the many days you spent over 'his side of the fence' as he put it," Mom told him."I loved that old house he lived in," Jack said.
"You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man's influence in your life," she said.
"He's the one who taught me carpentry," he said. "I wouldn't be in this business if it weren't for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were important...Mom, I'll be there for the funeral," Jack said.
As busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown. Mr. Belser's funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away.
The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time. Standing in the doorway, Jack paused for a moment. It was like crossing over into another dimension, a leap through space and time. The house was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture....Jack stopped suddenly.
"What's wrong, Jack?" his Mom asked.
"The box is gone," he said."What box?" Mom asked.
"There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he'd ever tell me was the thing I value most," Jack said. It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it.
"Now I'll never know what was so valuable to him," Jack said. "I better get some sleep. I have an early flight home, Mom."
It had been about two weeks since Mr. Belser died. Returning home from work one day Jack discovered a note in his mailbox. "Signature required on a package. No one at home. Please stop by the main post office within the next three days," the note read.
Early the next day Jack retrieved the package. The small box was old and looked like it had been mailed a hundred years ago. The handwriting was difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention. "Mr. Harold Belser" it read.
Jack took the box out to his car and ripped open the package. There inside was the gold box and an envelope. Jack's hands shook as he read the note inside. "Upon my death, please forward this box and its contents to Jack Bennett. It's the thing I valued most in my life."A small key was taped to the letter. His heart racing, as tears filling his eyes,! Jack carefully unlocked the box. There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. Running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the cover. Inside he found these words engraved: "Jack, Thanks for your time! - Harold Belser."
"The thing he valued most...was...my time."
Jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his office and cleared his appointments for the next two days. "Why?" Janet, his assistant asked."I need some time to spend with my son," he said. "Oh, by the way, Janet...thanks for your time!"
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away,"
Think about this. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.
- got this thru a mail from wan tin... and somehow felt that the passage kinda spoke to me. :)
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