i really enjoyed our tut w prof L today haaa
once again he was damn funny... it's been a while since we got exposed to his 'testees' kinda jokes but today omg..
he was explaining the hip examination w a nice model tt had the whole spine and also the pelvis
n dehan started to "strum" the model like it's a guitar haaa, holding on to the cervical spine like the neck of a guitar and the pelvis being the body of the guitar haaaa n u know wat prof called him??!?
Elvis the Pelvis
then at the end of the tut i actually helped filmed a performace of dehan strumming his guitar/spine-pelvis model and darren shaking his shakers/total.knee.replacement-models
haa too bad i didnt take a pix.. but there's the video laa haaaa
n prof told us the story of his classmate called ah-huay (a guy)
cause the guy was born into a rich family and his dad asked their servant to bring the boy to the registry of birth soon after he was born
the officer at the registry was v stern and asked loudly
the servant was so stunned she replied "AH HUAY!" (her own name)
so tt was how the poor guy got him name haaaaaaa but he got it changed in the end.
oh my tian. we laughed so much haaa.