these are the flowers i received from py on valentine's day haaa how romantic.
first i tot she was trying to give me the red rose sticker on the pillar of lift lobby of sgh blk 6.. then she said no n pointed at the potted ying liu.. wa i tot she wanted to give me a whole pot. then nope she corrected me and told me that she only wanted to give me one tiny white bit of the ying liu. thankyouverymuch. :)

studying patho w yw @ nus...
we used to go back during wkends when the school is empty... then when it rains and splashes on the tables we'll do dui-lian stuff like open our umbrellas on the tables. we also like to enjoy a good meal of cup-noodles.. yw is q a cupnoodle guru, she gives v insightful opinion and evaluates each type well haaaaa then there's me n my earl gray post patho exam.. :)

jap food and shopping w potter n tracy! :)

shopping w tracy n yw after pathO!

random food n drinks :)
preparing for my dage's wedding... stuff to bring over to the bride's!