the nite started out good but got realli bad.. well its wed alreadi hope all turns out well tmr
went dinner w jialin py caleb at thai express and ate my succulent prawns n tomyam soup.. then even got a coffee bean treat frm caleb.. :)
an enjoyable evening until it started to drizzle.. luckily we got to e mrt station jus b4 the storm arrived...
aft a long journey home
found out tt i forgot to bring my keys
the house phone is perpectually engaged
the door bell rings till it drops noone ans
the other line kept ringing in the living rm but no one picks it up
i gather tt my mama was using her phone in her bed rm w the door closed n the tv on..
so i waited n waited
kept pressing the bell, knocking the door and calling the other line
until suddenly the phone stopped ringing
n as i was wondering y
i realize tt my hp was out of batt
for the next 45MIN
i sat outside, once in a couple of min i ll stand up to do my routine of knocking on e door n ringing the door bell
then i ll resume to reading macrolides.. n aft which changing 2 pyramidal tract
didnt wan to bother my neighbour coz it's q late
didnt wan to go bk downstairs coz it's dark n stormy n i scared
didnt mind the corridor as it was nice n windy
but wat i long wait
my mama was sleeping
she didnt plc the phone well
my HAiR
now i noe 1 gd thing abt it: it realli cultivates my patience..
the curls ya.. to get it in place aft washing my hair is a skill im trying to perfect
but we it takes a long time.. strains my eyes as i cant wear specs while doing it
n tonite it jus doesnt wan to listen to mi .. n go the way i want
im going out tmr lor
if my hair is messier than it shud b i'll b q pissed
which ll prob happen coz i gave up aft a long struggle w v tired eyes
my bro kept knocking on the door but my hands were realli gooy n i was damn pissed off n irritated alreadi.. n he jus doesnt wan to say wat business he has
so i cudnt care more... n went on w the struggle w the curls
now he's pissed
i like my hair in the sense everiday it looks different so q fun
but its realli kinda troublesome
n hot..
but i dont like to regret wat i do
so it's fine..
patience patience patience
a saying my mama wud say..
macam like put fleas on ur head so tt u can scratch ur head aft it becomes itchy
水曜日, 11月 30, 2005
金曜日, 11月 25, 2005

well this is mi n myself in jing's rm.. haha..
today in sch is damn scary lor.. pple who exclaimed into my face, pple who praised, pple who cant stop laughing.. walao rather traumatising.. never wished i was invisible b4 until today... too much attention is no gd..
comments include kawaii, jap/korean-lookalike, refreshing, *jaw-dropped*, HAHAHAHAHA, omg, u very rich ar? how much did u spend on it? etc
thnx for those who praised
but hai but an exciting experience to see how pple react to change..
altho pple look look they'll get used to it.. my world, looked out frm my eyes never changed so i didnt tink it was v much different.. n now i can still hardly recog myself in the mirror.. so yep..
till the original hair grows out.. tis ll b my new hairstyle la..
the curls better stay lor.. damn ex leh O_o"
well this is mi n py at jing's rm in bern's house.. i realli dont dare to t
ake pix of myself n post coz i tink abit zilian.. haha but this once in a lifetime kinda try out realli needs to b recorded.. :P pple ask mi why i did it.. i realli dunnoe guess i was too bored w my hair la.. altho tis is abit too drastic and kawaii for my image but ehem... haah jus for a change k.. my mama is still pissed off tt i spent so much $$ on it :p

木曜日, 11月 24, 2005
水曜日, 11月 23, 2005

altho it died today n i cant ever wear it again.. i mus thank those tt helped.. tracy n lynn went coop w mi to get tape n the auntie at the photo plc gave mi scotch tape for e 1st strap.. then when both came out i tot they can last if i stuff it bk.. but it died at outram mrt.. i limped in n this angmoh n a chinese guy kept laughing at mi lor.. luckily i met alvin who supplied mi w tape to tape it down to last my way home.. so bb to pink slippers! ll miss them.. thnx huay for calling :) take care

my poor slippers... i realli like them alot.. altho tracy say the pink is hideous.. but i love them lor... py got them frm thailand for mi.. i like the pink, i like the plastic surface so it wont ever be smelly, i like the glittery stuff tt lines the strap altho they shed q abit.. i like the jap words printed on it.. butbut! it died today.. i strap came off b4 lunch n the other came off immed aft prof cbl finished pbl *sobzz*

月曜日, 11月 21, 2005

im so sleepy these days... mayb coz of the weird dreams tt've been haunting mi.. n the long hrs i slept practically amount to nothing.. sigh cant believe i still haf eyebags aft so much sleep.. slept the whole aftnoon away.. felt tt i kinda wasted my time :( knew i was dreaming but not vivid enuff to rem,... jus sure tt i wasnt some happi dream la.. i hope to get out of my slp cycle soon...

my dreams are scaring mi more n more
those of u who heard abt the crab & snake & little girl & serene's voice over 995
ll noe its q a weird and morbid dream
i jus woke up frm a polar bear dream
heard it growling thruout the whole dream
in some ulu toilet it was outside my door
i climbed on top across each cubicle to run away
until my old amk home again..
it was outside the window the whole day
thru the window slit i see those savage eyes looking at mi
the low, basal constant growl..
now 93.3 playing fa ru xue :)
those of u who heard abt the crab & snake & little girl & serene's voice over 995
ll noe its q a weird and morbid dream
i jus woke up frm a polar bear dream
heard it growling thruout the whole dream
in some ulu toilet it was outside my door
i climbed on top across each cubicle to run away
until my old amk home again..
it was outside the window the whole day
thru the window slit i see those savage eyes looking at mi
the low, basal constant growl..
now 93.3 playing fa ru xue :)
日曜日, 11月 20, 2005
went to assissi today.. glad to learn frm a nurse how to bathe n change diapers for the patients
proud to be able to change the bed sheets and all by myself.. but was realli tiring and got mi sweating aft making the first patient's bed
realli learnt alot today
and had a conversation with the 2a2! haah one of the 4 musketeers tt i haf neva spoken to b4.. he's actualli a very good person to haf conversation with :) and he can discuss all the tv progs with us haa :) nice to noe mr Y
its still a nice plc.. i shud go more frequently
went shopping w py at j8 and got presents for jh tracy n py's sis
then kinda missed taiwan's food and went to eat the shilin's meesua
not as good as the one in ximending but im q sastified :D
slept on 88 all the way home.. 45min ride.. shiok leh
wa hafnt done tt in a long while.. since like a aft sat trng activity last time..
n walked my fav road home.. the one w big trees on both sides..
love the way light filters thru the leaves
always imagine if the leaves turn yellow in autumn it ll b a beautiful sight.. but im contented w the green in spore i guess
the ixora plants along rps has grown up.. much sturdy shrubs now w less bunches of flowers..
still rem the realli short plants when i jus moved in...
i tink ixora is rather pretty too.. too bad i didnt haf my camera w mi :(
time flies
but luckily we r the pilot n_n
proud to be able to change the bed sheets and all by myself.. but was realli tiring and got mi sweating aft making the first patient's bed
realli learnt alot today
and had a conversation with the 2a2! haah one of the 4 musketeers tt i haf neva spoken to b4.. he's actualli a very good person to haf conversation with :) and he can discuss all the tv progs with us haa :) nice to noe mr Y
its still a nice plc.. i shud go more frequently
went shopping w py at j8 and got presents for jh tracy n py's sis
then kinda missed taiwan's food and went to eat the shilin's meesua
not as good as the one in ximending but im q sastified :D
slept on 88 all the way home.. 45min ride.. shiok leh
wa hafnt done tt in a long while.. since like a aft sat trng activity last time..
n walked my fav road home.. the one w big trees on both sides..
love the way light filters thru the leaves
always imagine if the leaves turn yellow in autumn it ll b a beautiful sight.. but im contented w the green in spore i guess
the ixora plants along rps has grown up.. much sturdy shrubs now w less bunches of flowers..
still rem the realli short plants when i jus moved in...
i tink ixora is rather pretty too.. too bad i didnt haf my camera w mi :(
time flies
but luckily we r the pilot n_n
土曜日, 11月 19, 2005
火曜日, 11月 15, 2005
the suayest day of my life.. well in a while at least.
today i woke up late. my dad too.. so he cant send mi to sch
then i "ting" i can drive my erge's van to sch coz he's not using it.. yeahey
so off i went tink wa earli earli la 8.40 onli
along the way all's smooth.. altho i noticed the radio said got 2 chain accidents along the roads some where.. i was still tinkg.. wa so suay.. i mus drive safely
ti- aft the first gantry
im $1 poorer nvm
then i saw this cute little white oldie car in front wa q cute..
before i noe it it has stopped n i hafnt stop yet.. wa sai!
so i hurry up break..
being a good safe driver who keeps a gd distance in front i stopped in time
boom! (more like a "tud!")
kao! some one kissed my van bumper..
i looked at him thru the side mirror n we hopped off the car/van
right in the middle of the road~
centre lane CTE
hope i didnt go on the radio airway
but aniwae
1st accident of my life.. im like realli shock n i dont noe wat to do
haha i still ask him how does these things go man.. its my bros van
but i checked no apparent big injury la
he's car looked alright to mi to.. but he said our bumpers got abit.. he's worse..
he gave mi his no ic name carplate..
n i told him ill get bk to him..
i gave him my name carplate n no too
i stupidly dint check lor.. coz i was too stunned.. i dint even check to c if the car plate's correct not..
i realized it aft i drove off.. he was still behind mi but the van door kinda blocked my view of his car plate la.. i cud only make out some numbers..
in my attempt to look think my car swerveed abit haha he got q scared i tink n he wasnt behind mi aft a while le
i shud haf called my dad immediately rite?
but coz i saw wa the CTE part like a red sea behind our cars q funni .. n i q paiseh oso
n the van dont looked v hurt so i left lor
the driver is realli q nice
a 31yo guy w wife/gf.. (who waved hello -.-") ahah (i waved too)
he some msg mi to tell mi tt he's the one who kissed my car bumper jus now and i cud call him to settle the compensation aft my bro look at it..
stuff lidat..
luckily he didnt con mi by gifing mi a wrong no.. coz i didnt check too
dunnoe how my bro's gonna handle it but im safe at home heng..
another gantry made mi another $2 poorer
well i reached sch to find tt there's prac! today
so i went to borrow lab coat
q dirty leh tsk
coz i tink suppose to bring bk wash but no one does it.. mi too.. i jus returned
sent py bk to bernard's plc haha
but i walked past my van w/o noticing.. had to walk bk
crosss a zebra crossing w some one crossing e road.. haha but she's q far away la.. i waved sorry
and parking for 3 hrs at the sci carpark made mi another $2.52 poorer.. sigh
total cost: $5.52.. more ex than taking public transport..
but a good experience gained.. glad tt my first accident was w a nice n polite driver la..
proudly.. i found my way bk to bishan frm fongseng n w my dad's "street-directory" like directions! and steady poon pipi bk to sengkang..
but onli to knock the curb abit jus before i stopped the van for the day
im home safe
less than 3 days to CAs
(it rhymes)
today i woke up late. my dad too.. so he cant send mi to sch
then i "ting" i can drive my erge's van to sch coz he's not using it.. yeahey
so off i went tink wa earli earli la 8.40 onli
along the way all's smooth.. altho i noticed the radio said got 2 chain accidents along the roads some where.. i was still tinkg.. wa so suay.. i mus drive safely
ti- aft the first gantry
im $1 poorer nvm
then i saw this cute little white oldie car in front wa q cute..
before i noe it it has stopped n i hafnt stop yet.. wa sai!
so i hurry up break..
being a good safe driver who keeps a gd distance in front i stopped in time
boom! (more like a "tud!")
kao! some one kissed my van bumper..
i looked at him thru the side mirror n we hopped off the car/van
right in the middle of the road~
centre lane CTE
hope i didnt go on the radio airway
but aniwae
1st accident of my life.. im like realli shock n i dont noe wat to do
haha i still ask him how does these things go man.. its my bros van
but i checked no apparent big injury la
he's car looked alright to mi to.. but he said our bumpers got abit.. he's worse..
he gave mi his no ic name carplate..
n i told him ill get bk to him..
i gave him my name carplate n no too
i stupidly dint check lor.. coz i was too stunned.. i dint even check to c if the car plate's correct not..
i realized it aft i drove off.. he was still behind mi but the van door kinda blocked my view of his car plate la.. i cud only make out some numbers..
in my attempt to look think my car swerveed abit haha he got q scared i tink n he wasnt behind mi aft a while le
i shud haf called my dad immediately rite?
but coz i saw wa the CTE part like a red sea behind our cars q funni .. n i q paiseh oso
n the van dont looked v hurt so i left lor
the driver is realli q nice
a 31yo guy w wife/gf.. (who waved hello -.-") ahah (i waved too)
he some msg mi to tell mi tt he's the one who kissed my car bumper jus now and i cud call him to settle the compensation aft my bro look at it..
stuff lidat..
luckily he didnt con mi by gifing mi a wrong no.. coz i didnt check too
dunnoe how my bro's gonna handle it but im safe at home heng..
another gantry made mi another $2 poorer
well i reached sch to find tt there's prac! today
so i went to borrow lab coat
q dirty leh tsk
coz i tink suppose to bring bk wash but no one does it.. mi too.. i jus returned
sent py bk to bernard's plc haha
but i walked past my van w/o noticing.. had to walk bk
crosss a zebra crossing w some one crossing e road.. haha but she's q far away la.. i waved sorry
and parking for 3 hrs at the sci carpark made mi another $2.52 poorer.. sigh
total cost: $5.52.. more ex than taking public transport..
but a good experience gained.. glad tt my first accident was w a nice n polite driver la..
proudly.. i found my way bk to bishan frm fongseng n w my dad's "street-directory" like directions! and steady poon pipi bk to sengkang..
but onli to knock the curb abit jus before i stopped the van for the day
im home safe
less than 3 days to CAs
(it rhymes)
月曜日, 11月 14, 2005
well my dad's fren just passed away early saturday morn.
for the past few mths my dad haf been telling mi abt this uncle w cancer, one of his sworn bros one of the driving instructors
frm wat my dad describes he has ascites, edema ard the ankle, cachexia, cancer of the spinal cord that has metastasize.. started off treatment w stage 3...
i didnt put a face to tt uncle (i shud haf)
until jus now my dad showed mi the orbiturary on straits times.
i know him! n i haf spoken to him q a few times before too..
he's one of the funnier... like to haha pple like my dad
when i was still learning how to drive n hang ard the ubi test centre area alot, sometimes i'll chitchat w my dad's fren n he's one of those tt i see more often.
im shocked that it's him.
sigh i noe pple die but it feels v weird when u recog pple off the orbiturary pg
in a span of 2 mths 3 pple i noe passed away coz of cancer..
mayb i shud find time to read prof teo's notes again huh
for the past few mths my dad haf been telling mi abt this uncle w cancer, one of his sworn bros one of the driving instructors
frm wat my dad describes he has ascites, edema ard the ankle, cachexia, cancer of the spinal cord that has metastasize.. started off treatment w stage 3...
i didnt put a face to tt uncle (i shud haf)
until jus now my dad showed mi the orbiturary on straits times.
i know him! n i haf spoken to him q a few times before too..
he's one of the funnier... like to haha pple like my dad
when i was still learning how to drive n hang ard the ubi test centre area alot, sometimes i'll chitchat w my dad's fren n he's one of those tt i see more often.
im shocked that it's him.
sigh i noe pple die but it feels v weird when u recog pple off the orbiturary pg
in a span of 2 mths 3 pple i noe passed away coz of cancer..
mayb i shud find time to read prof teo's notes again huh
火曜日, 11月 08, 2005
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