well this is mi n myself in jing's rm.. haha..
today in sch is damn scary lor.. pple who exclaimed into my face, pple who praised, pple who cant stop laughing.. walao rather traumatising.. never wished i was invisible b4 until today... too much attention is no gd..
comments include kawaii, jap/korean-lookalike, refreshing, *jaw-dropped*, HAHAHAHAHA, omg, u very rich ar? how much did u spend on it? etc
thnx for those who praised
but hai but an exciting experience to see how pple react to change..
altho pple look look they'll get used to it.. my world, looked out frm my eyes never changed so i didnt tink it was v much different.. n now i can still hardly recog myself in the mirror.. so yep..
till the original hair grows out.. tis ll b my new hairstyle la..
the curls better stay lor.. damn ex leh O_o"
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