Well, although I really should be studying right now, I cant seem to concentrate until I really sat down to reflect on this year. Today is the last day of 2005 and wow what a year it has been for me I guess
365 days are too many days to remember... things happen so fast that they feel kinda hazy and long ago i tink :)
I remember the year started with serene's bday party.. how we started planning since a few wks before and how I was the party liasion in town, from buying deco to pasting deco and mingling haha that was q fun..
then there was CNY, my fav festival that came and went.. cant rem too much
haha hmm actualli now i do.. invited gang n judo girls to my plc... actualli i packed all the judo girls into my dage's van and drove there here..
on the way home mando actualli sat on an orange and squashed it :p
lots of gambling
I rem distinctly PROs.. how i jus couldnt take it anymore, was v stressed and depressed.. first time in my life and scared the shit out of everyone, including myself..
Everything just came crashing down and I was realli abit bonkus hahaa i guess.. how py came by to visit mi aft the exams to study w mi coz I was sure I was going to do Supps and stuff..
Hiya.. first time i felt so shitty in sch.. to think I still laughed at my 2 Os in As prelims, I jus snapped
Results came and went, no pass fail vivas no supp
I rem tt py told jing i wore my shortest skirt and my highest pair of heels and went town.. an immense sense of relief.. I really dont want it to ever happen again ( which might if i dont study damn hard aft writing this)
Got off to a holidays with the judo girls and friends, first time out to travel with the oldest person in the team at a grand age of 20.
Taiwan.. eat shop eat shop.. a easy plc to go off for hols, q like spore in terms of transport and stuff and no language barrier
Remembered climbing yangming shan w an ahpek n 2 aunties and reached the highest peak ( i still hafnt send them the fotos sigh)
watched damn alot of porn in the hotel, loved the book stores there with all the chinese books..
OCBC was another phase, where my frens found mi irritating aft i started talking like the uptight bossy bankers haaa
Gotta curb myself in this way the coming yr.. i really got to stop letting my environ influence mi too much.. I jus blend right in.. it's good in the sense im v adapatble, but i ll lose bits of myself and gain new traits i guess
there's always BS with the YN pple.. had alot of fun with them.. discussing, dinners..
altho i decided not to go YN this yr.. it was a hugh decision i tink, for mi, but personally i wan2 slow down abit, spend some time with pple, do my work, stay away frm the cold..
everyone seem to ask mi y i didnt wan to go, i did at least for a while but i didnt really tink i deserve to go? aft the shitty Pros tt scared my fam reali bad.. i tot i needed to study more (did I?) and jus take things abit slow.. dont like the rush for time. the stress i might not be able to handle, the guilt to bear
of coz i gave up great experiences, deepening of frenships making new frens.. but kkh kinda got mi abit happier i tink w the kids la
a 4mth break
worked on my bdae
onli met py for dinner v late at night aft a round of drinks w my collegue along clark quey..
alos worked in my mentors lab for a while.. and finally did some lab work that i wanted to try..
got to noe frens like sokying n jasmine - real nice pple
slacked alot, read abit, lots of tv, lots of tuition, M2 started
I enjoyed school i tink, lots of fun, interesting things to learn, good company with frens..
of coz there's huay coming bk and going off to uk
memorabe gang outings and stayovers.. like Maf and White Chicks winloseordraw..
serene + holland v outing
more sch, more work, more things to read, and sch came to an end a grand 2 wks ago..
well these are the things i did i guess
things abit out of routine
I feel that this year got me to see sides of me i hafnt seen before
crushed my confidence and made me crumble
got it bk abit w a 89 in NS CA tt everyone knew wat was coming out :P
cried alot yanked out q a bit of hair, tt's y i got a coppercolored wig folks
but laughed alot.. entertained alot of pple i hope, it jus comes out naturally - tt's gd i tink
abit of angsty teenage anger here and there.. like i always say.. i grew up too guai so altho i feel q old inside, my younger traits still appear once in a while :)
but an enjoyable and enriching year i would say
made alot of new frens, esp the meddie pple - and learnt so much from them
talked to closer frens abit more, felt tt my relationship w them got abit better
but tink i can still do better, being a better daughter, sister, fren..
how i do not know
now im home, coz of the need to study
otherwise i wud b out.. but my mama's home.. she's always home.. go i tink i need to spend more time w her and bring her out more or sumthing
she isnt like my dad who haf countdown parties to attend, she isnt like her kids who dont come home until the wee hrs of the morn on days like this, and seriously w/o CAs.. i wont b home tonite too.. but my mama is always here for us.. so yea
gotta stop myself frm flaring up too much, cultivate better temper - esp ard my bros, better studying habits
my resolutions? hmm
a couple of mundane ones ll include, kick the tv addiction.
let my knowledge of medicine grow
know new frens, keep the old ones
b a gd tuition teacher haa yes oOshashyOo and maines - i expect ur A1s ya.. jiayou coz i tink we can go this together... u guys are capable of it k i realli tink so :)
~ prob wont teach anymore aft they graduate from me, so let's make this last tuition stint a good one :)
(unless i no $$ to survive frm m3-5, then tt's another issue, but my grand plan is eat away the gold moutain tt i haf stash away for myself first)
haha and a couple more that wont be mentioned here la :)
so byebye to 2005 in 4hrs time and HELLO 2006!
abit nostalgic sia
did my many first times
- lost abt $200 bucks in 1 go during CNY w the shoot goalpost game, luckily my bro kinda waver the payment off
- overseas trip w frens
- work in bank/lab
- made my first speech in front of many impt pple @ OCBC sship presentation
- dyed/highlight/perm/rebond my hair
- break down before an exam
- got a new hp, bought it myself frm the store
- changed my hp plan for the first time (finally rite, beng?)
- got into a traffic accident as a driver
- let go of sumthing i held on for a few yrs
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all, may it be a joyful year full of happiness and memorable experiences :)
土曜日, 12月 31, 2005
金曜日, 12月 30, 2005
im damn tired, my back is breaking and my legs were v suan jus now and my fingers are q in pain
haha but today is a very HAPPY day :)
i really had alot of fun at KKH today.. the kids are all so cute and they realli smile so beautifully at u when u make them a balloon
i was supposed to b w victor, jiahui, aishu, adila and adila's sis in ward 75 but jus before we moved off, huren actualli asked mi to help colin w the balloon
so i kinda left my gp and joined the performers
OHH i had so much fun, learning and making balloons!
Colin is damn pro, he's like a professional clown and his balloon making skills is damn zai haa he taught mi alot of new stuff today haa.. now i got new skills to pass to my tudi-s in my qiqiubang :D
anyway yea, we kinda teamed up and together w a gp of JC students who include a magician, some miners and other balloon-sculptors, and we toured the wards and provided entertainment.. of coz the kids are really cute..
haa like i can rem a few, joshua w big eyes, gloria whos q bohchap but smiles happily when she got her balloon, many shy cute malay boys
haaa the helicopter and flower hats r q popular today.. but im still not v good! need to learn more stuff to make next time :D
we walked around w our gigantic balloon hats tt colin made for everyone haha and attracted damn alot of attention, mine was so wide i cudnt go thru some doors in the ward w/o walking like a crab
some parents and siblings were damn funny oso, like a mama who says HAPPY NEW YEAR! everytime my balloon burst haahaaa
it's really v stressful.. coz everyone is watching you make the balloon and if it bursts it makes damn alot of noise, and the kid get scared :( and im damn paiseh and i become lagi kanchiong
wa! realli need alot of practice to be an entertainer/clown/magician and stuff
the magician in my gp was realli gd, i heard la, watched him once and wow impressive!
the mascots and clowns were really funny too, made up of the waterpolo boys
haaa i tink they r damn shag, the headgear looks really heavy and i saw a guy took it off and he looked soaked in sweat..
so i tink today everyone was great..
volunteers who took time down to play w the kids, all my meddie frens haa.. i saw susan n mani others entertaing the children w games and they had lots of fun
the other non-med pple, wow mani of them r very pro.. v impressive
the kids r q poor thing
there's samonella food poisoning (ting*~) theres broken arms and legs, skin rash, cancer
many many of them, glad to bring some cheer to the wards this eve of new yr's eve
well due2 the CAs, this end of the yr felt like any other day
no particular highs, no resolutions yet.. no time to reflect
so bascially it doesnt really mean anithing.. until today at the hospital, it felt q festive actually w all the deco we put up! yea the butterflies got some praises frm my gpmates (haa)
but ya.. im glad to spend my day this way, altho i didnt go YN this yr.. making balloons for kids reminded mi alot abt YN... the whole feeling of kids.. onli this time they cant swarm ard you as they onli look at u lying frm their bed.. oh n the YN trip pple r returning tonite.. :)
the kids are inspiring.. paeds dept seems v interesting now :)
aniway apart frm fun and a gd learning experience w colin, my gpmates everyone... i kinda learnt how to make streamers! yay w like crep paper.. so next time bday parties no need to buy! haa i can make.. damn cheap lor :P
i got to noe alot of new pple, esp some meddie frens better.. even made a couple of new frens, like those i hafnt spoken to b4, victor + colin etc
larry was nice enuff to get like drinks for some of us at lunch, my gpmates r v nice too.. great working w them, sorrie i kinda abandoned them on the actual day :p my balloon teacher of coz.. huren etc.. all got to noe abit better
the joyfulness today was so contagious i even smiled at strangers on my way home
cant believe it :) haa
yea wat a day!
haha but today is a very HAPPY day :)
i really had alot of fun at KKH today.. the kids are all so cute and they realli smile so beautifully at u when u make them a balloon
i was supposed to b w victor, jiahui, aishu, adila and adila's sis in ward 75 but jus before we moved off, huren actualli asked mi to help colin w the balloon
so i kinda left my gp and joined the performers
OHH i had so much fun, learning and making balloons!
Colin is damn pro, he's like a professional clown and his balloon making skills is damn zai haa he taught mi alot of new stuff today haa.. now i got new skills to pass to my tudi-s in my qiqiubang :D
anyway yea, we kinda teamed up and together w a gp of JC students who include a magician, some miners and other balloon-sculptors, and we toured the wards and provided entertainment.. of coz the kids are really cute..
haa like i can rem a few, joshua w big eyes, gloria whos q bohchap but smiles happily when she got her balloon, many shy cute malay boys
haaa the helicopter and flower hats r q popular today.. but im still not v good! need to learn more stuff to make next time :D
we walked around w our gigantic balloon hats tt colin made for everyone haha and attracted damn alot of attention, mine was so wide i cudnt go thru some doors in the ward w/o walking like a crab
some parents and siblings were damn funny oso, like a mama who says HAPPY NEW YEAR! everytime my balloon burst haahaaa
it's really v stressful.. coz everyone is watching you make the balloon and if it bursts it makes damn alot of noise, and the kid get scared :( and im damn paiseh and i become lagi kanchiong
wa! realli need alot of practice to be an entertainer/clown/magician and stuff
the magician in my gp was realli gd, i heard la, watched him once and wow impressive!
the mascots and clowns were really funny too, made up of the waterpolo boys
haaa i tink they r damn shag, the headgear looks really heavy and i saw a guy took it off and he looked soaked in sweat..
so i tink today everyone was great..
volunteers who took time down to play w the kids, all my meddie frens haa.. i saw susan n mani others entertaing the children w games and they had lots of fun
the other non-med pple, wow mani of them r very pro.. v impressive
the kids r q poor thing
there's samonella food poisoning (ting*~) theres broken arms and legs, skin rash, cancer
many many of them, glad to bring some cheer to the wards this eve of new yr's eve
well due2 the CAs, this end of the yr felt like any other day
no particular highs, no resolutions yet.. no time to reflect
so bascially it doesnt really mean anithing.. until today at the hospital, it felt q festive actually w all the deco we put up! yea the butterflies got some praises frm my gpmates (haa)
but ya.. im glad to spend my day this way, altho i didnt go YN this yr.. making balloons for kids reminded mi alot abt YN... the whole feeling of kids.. onli this time they cant swarm ard you as they onli look at u lying frm their bed.. oh n the YN trip pple r returning tonite.. :)
the kids are inspiring.. paeds dept seems v interesting now :)
aniway apart frm fun and a gd learning experience w colin, my gpmates everyone... i kinda learnt how to make streamers! yay w like crep paper.. so next time bday parties no need to buy! haa i can make.. damn cheap lor :P
i got to noe alot of new pple, esp some meddie frens better.. even made a couple of new frens, like those i hafnt spoken to b4, victor + colin etc
larry was nice enuff to get like drinks for some of us at lunch, my gpmates r v nice too.. great working w them, sorrie i kinda abandoned them on the actual day :p my balloon teacher of coz.. huren etc.. all got to noe abit better
the joyfulness today was so contagious i even smiled at strangers on my way home
cant believe it :) haa
yea wat a day!
水曜日, 12月 28, 2005

dammit y issit my art is so freaking bad?? haha ok i admit tt my mama did most of my social studies proj when i was in pri sch.. but well i got 2nd in a coloring competition when i was in k2 and i got 3rd in some drawing competition before as well in pri sch.. but since then.. sigh the onli freaking C i ever got in pri sch was.... *drumroll* haa ART! yea!.. i have since then degenerated to only drawing onions and celery in rgs and well cells or organs in jc....
so here this is it.. im suppose to make 3 butterflies to put up on the wall tmr on ward 43 kkh.. i volunteered to do the butterflies coz i tot.. well i tink i can draw butterflies alright.. and ok i did but they look plain coz they were onli 1 color on the construction paper.. so shit.. i need to color them.. the first attempt was pasting red and yellow paper on the purple one.. i looked abit weird.. and so i swiped out color pencils.. and here's the final pdt.. spent 1.5hr on it altho i onli intend to spend at most an hr.. but this is it.. ARGH dear ladies of ward 43.. pls dont roll ur eyes and comment tt ur babies can draw better butterflies.. i did my best.. well crap.. sigh they look ok.. right?? sigh.. when i was cutting them out.. i sweared abit bout the feelers.. if i F***ing tear them/cut them off accidentally, i'll kill myself.

火曜日, 12月 27, 2005
had a bad dream this afternoon
a ghost-related one
the freaky thing was, i dreamt of myself dreaming, and after waking up frm a dream tt involves alot of running away frm this ghostly presence, i met a medium-like lady tt told mi a ghost was following mi...
then aft tt i woke up frm tt as well
so i actually dreamt of myself having a dream.. and end up waking up 2x
and when i feel asleep again, haa the ghostly dream continued
i woke up q paiseh coz i drooled this huge puddle over my notes
accckkkk @_@
it was so bad tt the black ink of the printed piece of paper actualli ran off abit
a ghost-related one
the freaky thing was, i dreamt of myself dreaming, and after waking up frm a dream tt involves alot of running away frm this ghostly presence, i met a medium-like lady tt told mi a ghost was following mi...
then aft tt i woke up frm tt as well
so i actually dreamt of myself having a dream.. and end up waking up 2x
and when i feel asleep again, haa the ghostly dream continued
i woke up q paiseh coz i drooled this huge puddle over my notes
accckkkk @_@
it was so bad tt the black ink of the printed piece of paper actualli ran off abit
日曜日, 12月 25, 2005
MerRy CHriStMas
wow wat a happening 2 days...
yest evening for xmas eve dinner, went over serene's plc.. was greated at the door by PEarl.. a v pretty dog tt her whole family loves..
then went off to help out in the kitchen, altho cant help much but it was fun
assisiting the chef.. and finally dinner w the Tan's + gordon + xy + pearl + me..
mussels, chicken, softshell crab, fries, sparkling juice.. etc
a v sumptous spread :)
then laugh over fotos chatted abit until over midnite b4 mi n xy came home
haah so we CHilled n i had an enjoyable n relaxing time
xinyiairen thinks tt my whole family is very cute
haah jus 1 day, she's q gam w my parents n kena suan-ed until cant take it by my bro...
she still msn n tv while i knocked out n slept.. all the way to today!
then my dage was nice enuff to send mi xinyi n beng to mando's church
watching mando's get baptised and attending her service was q an eyeopener
the xmas songs they sang, were v nice n kinda reminded mi of last yr's YN trip when i joined in for morn prayers and worship sometimes
then we proceeded to mando's house and had a very very nice lunch
the food was realli good and we had numerous helpings
jus gathered together w my judo gals + xian's zz.. n had fun
so now im bk home,
going to continue w my revision! tt's lagged argh
but oh well this xmas
was fun
but for the past 2 days
there were a couple of occasions where i got v weird feeling
dont realli noe how to describe it tho.. jus like a cold kinda feeling
not sure if its jus coz im v sick (it got worse, i even lost my voice last nite)
or i dunnoe.. loneliness? hmm
but it was a xmas surrounded by close frens and i had fun..
jus dunnoe y
aniwae.. 2005's ending soon
haha my dad was channel surfing and now on tv is the donate-$-to-heartdisease-patients show, replay
n haha i saw LIANGYI!! :D muahaha
he's realli q cute la
nice eyes.. but he shudnt talk lor, CMI
merry xmas!
wow wat a happening 2 days...
yest evening for xmas eve dinner, went over serene's plc.. was greated at the door by PEarl.. a v pretty dog tt her whole family loves..
then went off to help out in the kitchen, altho cant help much but it was fun
assisiting the chef.. and finally dinner w the Tan's + gordon + xy + pearl + me..
mussels, chicken, softshell crab, fries, sparkling juice.. etc
a v sumptous spread :)
then laugh over fotos chatted abit until over midnite b4 mi n xy came home
haah so we CHilled n i had an enjoyable n relaxing time
xinyiairen thinks tt my whole family is very cute
haah jus 1 day, she's q gam w my parents n kena suan-ed until cant take it by my bro...
she still msn n tv while i knocked out n slept.. all the way to today!
then my dage was nice enuff to send mi xinyi n beng to mando's church
watching mando's get baptised and attending her service was q an eyeopener
the xmas songs they sang, were v nice n kinda reminded mi of last yr's YN trip when i joined in for morn prayers and worship sometimes
then we proceeded to mando's house and had a very very nice lunch
the food was realli good and we had numerous helpings
jus gathered together w my judo gals + xian's zz.. n had fun
so now im bk home,
going to continue w my revision! tt's lagged argh
but oh well this xmas
was fun
but for the past 2 days
there were a couple of occasions where i got v weird feeling
dont realli noe how to describe it tho.. jus like a cold kinda feeling
not sure if its jus coz im v sick (it got worse, i even lost my voice last nite)
or i dunnoe.. loneliness? hmm
but it was a xmas surrounded by close frens and i had fun..
jus dunnoe y
aniwae.. 2005's ending soon
haha my dad was channel surfing and now on tv is the donate-$-to-heartdisease-patients show, replay
n haha i saw LIANGYI!! :D muahaha
he's realli q cute la
nice eyes.. but he shudnt talk lor, CMI
merry xmas!
土曜日, 12月 24, 2005

i own the library today.. almost empty! wow deafening silence.. but..
i once sense a presence at the doorway and when i turned ard..
its was tt plant in the far left of the pix.. spooky
i jumped when an auntie entered the lift at L1 when i was leaving, coz i press the button accidentally n was expecting the door to open but not anione to enter.. im scaring myself
金曜日, 12月 23, 2005
木曜日, 12月 22, 2005
im officially sick. v sick.
The kind of flu that you come down with fever sorethroat blocked nose n bone ache
woke up feeling like crap but still went for the removal of my sutures at NDC
finally discharged frm there.. as it's healing well.. spending a grand total of $721 for the THREE WISE MEN saga
oh well..
nope this ends it
no more dental visits for mi..
came bk for multiple errands
fixed my broken watch strap, went to M1 shop, bought stationery, shopping..
got a black top of empire cut..
oh gd days it ll prob look like a doll's thingy
hope it doesnt look like a maternity top on bad days..
haha n a purple skirt
my shortest ever - to date
im eyeing a pair of shoes at Charles n Keith
i like the ht and its rather stable..
dont exactly love the design but..
well its currently priced at 39.90...
shud i b impulsive? or wait for the yr end sale.. q sure the price might b lower as its not on sale now..
i slept the whole aft away
had a very bad dream
im w my family in this house by the beach
got animals prowling the area at nite O_o"
we seem to b moving but no one is concerned except for mi
i was clearing some stuff.. stuff tt mi n my brothers own when we were kids i tink.. all dusty alreadi..
it jus disturbs how indifferent everyone is..
i hate moving.. seriously
but oh well
its jus a bad dream
i was in some much discomfort and felt so feverish.. n no one was home.. i cudnt even move v much as it aches alot.. haiya felt q sad..
this is how it wud b like if i live alone next time.. in a faraway land..
better get used to it
i so need to study
The kind of flu that you come down with fever sorethroat blocked nose n bone ache
woke up feeling like crap but still went for the removal of my sutures at NDC
finally discharged frm there.. as it's healing well.. spending a grand total of $721 for the THREE WISE MEN saga
oh well..
nope this ends it
no more dental visits for mi..
came bk for multiple errands
fixed my broken watch strap, went to M1 shop, bought stationery, shopping..
got a black top of empire cut..
oh gd days it ll prob look like a doll's thingy
hope it doesnt look like a maternity top on bad days..
haha n a purple skirt
my shortest ever - to date
im eyeing a pair of shoes at Charles n Keith
i like the ht and its rather stable..
dont exactly love the design but..
well its currently priced at 39.90...
shud i b impulsive? or wait for the yr end sale.. q sure the price might b lower as its not on sale now..
i slept the whole aft away
had a very bad dream
im w my family in this house by the beach
got animals prowling the area at nite O_o"
we seem to b moving but no one is concerned except for mi
i was clearing some stuff.. stuff tt mi n my brothers own when we were kids i tink.. all dusty alreadi..
it jus disturbs how indifferent everyone is..
i hate moving.. seriously
but oh well
its jus a bad dream
i was in some much discomfort and felt so feverish.. n no one was home.. i cudnt even move v much as it aches alot.. haiya felt q sad..
this is how it wud b like if i live alone next time.. in a faraway land..
better get used to it
i so need to study

i was in a bad mood... i googled the word pathetic.. to say tt people are pathetic.. sigh.. n got this frm a blog :) a mummy documenting her baby boy's growing up.. the entry was tt of 2002 and the pix was in the archive.. when i next click on the main page.. it's 2005 and she's still blogging abt her boy..

水曜日, 12月 21, 2005
Rules of the game:1. Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.2. At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED!" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.
1) I have v strong, vivid imagination that can be very morbid at times..
e.g. i can imagine a motocyclist riding infront of my car get knock down by a lorry frm behind and flew in the sky abit b4 landing... all tt happened in front of my eyes, n the next moment when i snap bk into reality, he was alright and drove away..
i really thought it happened..
Or i can't differentiate reality frm daydream/dreams and things tt i believe happened sometimes didnt, and sometimes i get so confused btw reality and the stories i weave in my head, i cant differentiate them... it's been bothering mi since young
2) i like to eat till my plate is v neat n clean. w porridge or rice.. any topping i put on it tt has the sauce covering tt part of the rice mus be eaten up first, such the the remaining part of the rice/porridge is kept clean.. otherwise i ll b angry haa
tomatoes are CHOU and brinjals sucks coz purple is an unnatural colour for veg
3) pple who noe frm at age 12, tink im nice, benign, happy, friendly, endearing, someone who rarely gets angry :)
when i was in pri sch or earlier, i macam a gangster.. very fierce, get into fights w boys at the back of schools, tore someone's sch uniform before, hang ard at arcades w my frens..
but of coz teachers still love mi coz of my gd grades and helpful nature.. but im inherently nice jus w a slight violent and angry streak in mi.. it got so mild when i go rgs coz most pple there r angelic little girls so there's nothing to b violent and angry abt..
i changed coz the large fluctuations in emotions is too strenous and hard to bare but now.. haa i haf morph into someone so calm and steady tt i lost the ability to feel v happi or v sad.. so everithing is rather moderate for mi in this way... (good? bad?)
if i didnt go rg, i ll prob b a lian ard the rdside now haa.. heng sia
5) if u squish my flabby arm w ur hands, esp the way carol does it, i ll have this unexplainable urge to pee / shit
if u pat my chin... @#!#@$%#^$&*U(I(!!!##@@
4) i LOVE all rides in amusement parks.. esp the scariest ones! haha beng ll noe, how i dragged her ard liu fu chu in taiwan until she cant take it
the chosen ones: Serene, Huay, Felika, Xinyi, Chermaine
1) I have v strong, vivid imagination that can be very morbid at times..
e.g. i can imagine a motocyclist riding infront of my car get knock down by a lorry frm behind and flew in the sky abit b4 landing... all tt happened in front of my eyes, n the next moment when i snap bk into reality, he was alright and drove away..
i really thought it happened..
Or i can't differentiate reality frm daydream/dreams and things tt i believe happened sometimes didnt, and sometimes i get so confused btw reality and the stories i weave in my head, i cant differentiate them... it's been bothering mi since young
2) i like to eat till my plate is v neat n clean. w porridge or rice.. any topping i put on it tt has the sauce covering tt part of the rice mus be eaten up first, such the the remaining part of the rice/porridge is kept clean.. otherwise i ll b angry haa
tomatoes are CHOU and brinjals sucks coz purple is an unnatural colour for veg
3) pple who noe frm at age 12, tink im nice, benign, happy, friendly, endearing, someone who rarely gets angry :)
when i was in pri sch or earlier, i macam a gangster.. very fierce, get into fights w boys at the back of schools, tore someone's sch uniform before, hang ard at arcades w my frens..
but of coz teachers still love mi coz of my gd grades and helpful nature.. but im inherently nice jus w a slight violent and angry streak in mi.. it got so mild when i go rgs coz most pple there r angelic little girls so there's nothing to b violent and angry abt..
i changed coz the large fluctuations in emotions is too strenous and hard to bare but now.. haa i haf morph into someone so calm and steady tt i lost the ability to feel v happi or v sad.. so everithing is rather moderate for mi in this way... (good? bad?)
if i didnt go rg, i ll prob b a lian ard the rdside now haa.. heng sia
5) if u squish my flabby arm w ur hands, esp the way carol does it, i ll have this unexplainable urge to pee / shit
if u pat my chin... @#!#@$%#^$&*U(I(!!!##@@
4) i LOVE all rides in amusement parks.. esp the scariest ones! haha beng ll noe, how i dragged her ard liu fu chu in taiwan until she cant take it
the chosen ones: Serene, Huay, Felika, Xinyi, Chermaine
火曜日, 12月 20, 2005
haha sometimes it's realli nice to have a brother ard..
u can b downright IT unsavvy but they ll still come n save the day
i cudnt unleash the full potential of my new hp coz i tried n i tried but i jus cudnt download the mp3s in my com to my hp..
n my erge came along n click click here n there n fixed it for mi
for this im grateful ~ haa :)
u can b downright IT unsavvy but they ll still come n save the day
i cudnt unleash the full potential of my new hp coz i tried n i tried but i jus cudnt download the mp3s in my com to my hp..
n my erge came along n click click here n there n fixed it for mi
for this im grateful ~ haa :)
月曜日, 12月 19, 2005

oh my tian! i found my earring haha :D yay happiness.. i tot i dropped it on the floor in my rm but it actualli dropped into my drawer!! n luckily im diligent to pack up my messy drawer,.. n i saw it :D haha happiness!! thnx angel for asking abt it.. the little miracles tt lighten up my spirits.. i was so sian diao when i cudnt find it aft crawling ard my rm to look for it.. this is my first pair of dangly earrings i tink.. bought it at chamelon.. bought it when i was buying iris's bday present last yr... i bought 2 pairs so tt we haf jiemei earrings.. then in the end my p6 tuition kid liked it alot.. so i went to comb thru the whole wall of earrings to find an exact same pair for her.. heng aft q a few mths they haf 1 pair left in mist of all the other new designs... haaa macam like amazing race when they get the pple to find 1 red bean amongst all the black ones lidat... haha yay lalala :D

日曜日, 12月 18, 2005
last nite till this morning i had alot of fun! haah its the great company u r w, its the pple who noe u so well, its the fun we haf together rite??
collected presents frm huay n set off to e airport to send py off
in btw was q an adventure missing the last bus.. going off to places we dont noe... trying to flag a cab at 1+am.. aft walking over drains tt might open up to swallow u :D
roam the airport n working on our project..
met my dear yunnan buddies.. sent so off again! n the few peeps..
pls take care guys.. hope u haf a great trip ya :) ll miss u all till u r bk..
jing caleb yuenchyao alex ningyi jialin peiyun.. tek, fun..
sent py n the team off :)
roaming of airport! meeting melissa at the kopitiam plc!! she's on her way to macau! welcome bk mel... ll cya soon
my fav part is serene n me postulating on how all of us ll look like in mani yrs.. :P
magarita and a cigarette? pregnant w more kids in tow? abused by husband.. in a relax zen state? overseas? business suits... and mani more
aniwae we laugh now but lets see where the future brings us la :)
lets go on a trip together next yr k :)
uno n taidee
bus 27 bk catching up on beauty sleep.. im a bit disorientated now.. but yea wat a nite/day!
oh serene's quote:
Huimin is the brother I never had, in the body of a friend that i now have...
haha erm i'll take tt as a compliment? :) cheers to hualahuala gang...
collected presents frm huay n set off to e airport to send py off
in btw was q an adventure missing the last bus.. going off to places we dont noe... trying to flag a cab at 1+am.. aft walking over drains tt might open up to swallow u :D
roam the airport n working on our project..
met my dear yunnan buddies.. sent so off again! n the few peeps..
pls take care guys.. hope u haf a great trip ya :) ll miss u all till u r bk..
jing caleb yuenchyao alex ningyi jialin peiyun.. tek, fun..
sent py n the team off :)
roaming of airport! meeting melissa at the kopitiam plc!! she's on her way to macau! welcome bk mel... ll cya soon
my fav part is serene n me postulating on how all of us ll look like in mani yrs.. :P
magarita and a cigarette? pregnant w more kids in tow? abused by husband.. in a relax zen state? overseas? business suits... and mani more
aniwae we laugh now but lets see where the future brings us la :)
lets go on a trip together next yr k :)
uno n taidee
bus 27 bk catching up on beauty sleep.. im a bit disorientated now.. but yea wat a nite/day!
oh serene's quote:
Huimin is the brother I never had, in the body of a friend that i now have...
haha erm i'll take tt as a compliment? :) cheers to hualahuala gang...
金曜日, 12月 16, 2005
歌手:周杰伦 专辑:十一月的萧邦
歌手:周杰伦 专辑:十一月的萧邦
haha today is the last day of sch
like woh finally...
feel abit sad to part my frens.. didnt realli hit mi until mc started saying.. can u belief it im not going to c u guys alreadi... :'(
this been a fast moving yr
so mani things haf past mi by i did q alot i tink.. in terms of gaining new experiences
sch beens fun
hectic but.. im more into the rhythmn of things such tt not so panicky
not like last pros tt kinda crushed my self confidence so bad tt its scary
yr2 been gd so far i tink, i hope
made more frens.. new neighbours in the LT, got to noe alot of new frens better
haha still haf alot of fun w tracy
she drove mi n py to harbour front during lunch n we had lunch there.. first time in my life tt i actualli swallowed so muCH rice
sigh haaa
can bite abit more liao
the tough veg still cannot
feel abit weird w rice too but i jus use the tongue to push against the palate to squash it abit then swallow lor haaaa
she say she's glad CG wont c mi... come on la tracy u ll miss mi lor.. haa i ll miss traumatising u too :)
tt's tt
then thnx to all my frens who gave mi little gifts
barry for his card :) joyce for the popper thingy w a red nail in there.. yuyuan for her santa choc.. lynn for her raisins.. tracy n kokwei for cookies.. jenheng for his card n little H (y chekwun's bigger? sigh my tudis r so in love w each other they forgot mi liaozz.. jking la) n wenli for her choc too...
hope i didnt miss anione out
thnx peeps n those merry xmas happy holidays kinda well wishes make mi feel abit aww
this yr's coming to an end
esp w the wu chu cai hong show coming to an end today..
yes serene the ending is walao
but im not v interested in the jianyi leh he got funni logic la
i more into david n michelle... glad the old woman accepted the young guy.. he's so happy lor :D
the yr is coming to an end..
my fav line now
like woh finally...
feel abit sad to part my frens.. didnt realli hit mi until mc started saying.. can u belief it im not going to c u guys alreadi... :'(
this been a fast moving yr
so mani things haf past mi by i did q alot i tink.. in terms of gaining new experiences
sch beens fun
hectic but.. im more into the rhythmn of things such tt not so panicky
not like last pros tt kinda crushed my self confidence so bad tt its scary
yr2 been gd so far i tink, i hope
made more frens.. new neighbours in the LT, got to noe alot of new frens better
haha still haf alot of fun w tracy
she drove mi n py to harbour front during lunch n we had lunch there.. first time in my life tt i actualli swallowed so muCH rice
sigh haaa
can bite abit more liao
the tough veg still cannot
feel abit weird w rice too but i jus use the tongue to push against the palate to squash it abit then swallow lor haaaa
she say she's glad CG wont c mi... come on la tracy u ll miss mi lor.. haa i ll miss traumatising u too :)
tt's tt
then thnx to all my frens who gave mi little gifts
barry for his card :) joyce for the popper thingy w a red nail in there.. yuyuan for her santa choc.. lynn for her raisins.. tracy n kokwei for cookies.. jenheng for his card n little H (y chekwun's bigger? sigh my tudis r so in love w each other they forgot mi liaozz.. jking la) n wenli for her choc too...
hope i didnt miss anione out
thnx peeps n those merry xmas happy holidays kinda well wishes make mi feel abit aww
this yr's coming to an end
esp w the wu chu cai hong show coming to an end today..
yes serene the ending is walao
but im not v interested in the jianyi leh he got funni logic la
i more into david n michelle... glad the old woman accepted the young guy.. he's so happy lor :D
the yr is coming to an end..
my fav line now
水曜日, 12月 14, 2005
well im bk.. haha still in such a gd mood prob coz the pain hasnt hit mi yet n my face hasnt swell up yet (yes tracy, no one ll prob noticed coz my face normally look q swollen ALREADI.. n no carol it hasnt swell so bad until it's bursting yet)
today was a rather exciting day (to gang: this is going to b documentary, haha b warned)
i slept realli earli last nite like 10+ coz if i stay up aft midnite ill prob b hungry
i hafnt eaten anithing for almost 20hrs, finally eating my mama's porridge now..
i wasnt overly excited or scared.. rather calm actualli :)
my parents went NDC w mi n my dad went off for work aft dropping us off..
before long i was in the resting area of the day surgery dept n the nurse was briefng mi n stuff.. (haha altho i had a slight hiccup in my changing of clothes :p all was well)
then is a long long wait
i reached at abt 9
sat ard for a while n went in to chat w the dentist in charge
he's a v nice guy
soft spoken, calm makes the patient v calm too... i wasnt at all worried
he asked mi if i needed mc n stuff then when u found out tt i still had sch.. he wondered which fac i was in haa..
when i told he med, he even complain dentistry have shorter hols than us? hah realli ar?
aniwae i jus had to wait la
then my neighbouring bed came a mum w 2 kids
the daughter's getting her wisdom teeth extracted la..
haha the whole family are fellow teochews :)
so end up chitchatting alot
the auntie sells rojak at si ma lu temple nearby hawker centre.. haha mayb i can visit her next time
she actualli started to tok to mi coz she tot i was like her daughter who had her wisdom teeth growing out at age abt 15..
she told mi xiao mei y u so young mus pluck wisdom teeth.. i told her im 20 n she was realli shock.. she tot im in sec sch lor
haha i look tt young ar?
(mus b my specs la)
aniwaes at abt 1115 its my turn!
they ll intubate thru the nose coz i was going for GA
then i tink i had to snort so anesthetic thru the nose first.. wa tt was q freaky when the nurse came in w the spray i was damn freaked lor..
when she quirt it in n asked n to breathe normally n swallow it down... argh it was realli bitter :(
then i waited outside the OT for a while more b4 i went in..
wow the OT wasnt too big
got mi to lie down n when i looked up the big round light w 5 giant bulbs! ha jus like in all the dramas i watched last time.. like white towers lidat :P
got another lamp w 3 giant bulbs too..
then got e ECG electrodes stucked
n the surgeon came in.. then the anesthetist came in too
suddenly the doc say... wah 2nd yr med student huh? i was like? erm...O_o"
cant believe it tink the earlier dentist actualli stuck a post it on my file to annouce tt
wah lao sigh coz frm the corner of my v shortsighted eyes i actualli saw the post it n e surgeon laughing at it
aniwae i tink the nurse wanted to stick the line thing into the dorsum of my hand..
but as usual,.. wat's new>? she stuck the needle in n cant find the BV
rather pain lor walao
then the anthestist took over n manouvered ard (more pain) and got it
haah i tink the nurse q paiseh coz she told mi they r all trained to do it but she rusty le haaa
the anesthetist is this tall indian guy
he sounds like Dr Kandir!!
haha he was asking mi like y im not in sch.. pon issit
then he asked mi wat sch i was frm n when he heard rj he actualli said," y do they all seem to come frm there?" -.-"
aniwae he told mi he's going to inject something's tt's gonna sting..
wa it realli did
tink he IV something in tt was q pain n i kinda got consumed by drowiness... its a very weird feeling..
he told mi to relac n go to sleep.. so i jus closed my eye
the last thing i saw was actualli the mask hovering above my face n the nurse putting it over my face.. it smelt funni.. wonder if i inhaled anesthetics too?
i slowly opened my eyes at 1215
an uneventful slp jus black out n "white in"
was out of the OT n the clock was damn big in front
had to blink a few times.. still felt q sleepi
the nurse chitchatted w mi.. i tink to wake mi up
haah i was q happi to b awake
she's realli nice so i smiled at her..
she asked mi like wat im studying my family n stuff haah then the talkative nature guess it never went away so w my mouth stuffed full of bloody gauze i still happily chat away..
dunnoe y she seemed q charmed by mi
she say im v joyful? haa n she say i'll make a good doc next time coz i can cheer up my patients
haha wah got praised sia!! :D in a damn drowsy state still can :p
but i smiled at her coz she's nice wat.. its nice to wake up to a frenly nurse than 1 tt growls rite?
haha e paiseh thing is i always like to sit cross legged on my chair at home.. when i woke up i was actuall crossing my leg too macam a monk lidat ??!!? hope no one noticed
so off i got pushed bk to my mama
who chatted u the nurse too
yes she still keep praising mi to my mama say i v guai
mayb it's a ploy to get mi happi so tt i become conscious more quickly?
aniwae i thank her :)
then my hp rang
n omg
it's huayu!
so qiao haa
she actualli didnt noe i was going in for tooth extraction n she called jus as i was pushed out such tt i can pick up her call
we chitchat more coz still no pain tink the anesthetic hafnt wear off yet
cheer up pal!
aniwae i tried to slp but mani pple walked ard n tok to mi n everithing so i jus lie down there n relac la
then the first dentist tt i met earlier came in to check on mi
says all's well n wah he's realli nice n assuring
i mus tok lidat next time
haha actualli b4 tt he told mi dont panic if u cant feel ur gums or chin n stuff coz it's not due to ur mental N paralysis but coz the anesthetic haha
he's q funni
aniwae i can go home
then my neighbour came bk
she took out mani mani teeth coz due to some growth i tink she cant drop her baby teeth so she still had 3 baby teeth at sec3
she was wailing at the top of her voice n choking on her tears
wow i hear alreadi oso feel pain for her lor
tink her mama mus b realli worried
aniwae hope she get well soon la
haha one of the nurse took my hand to remove e taplike thingy n actualli told my mama tt she's holding my hand :p damn funni lor these nurses
my mama say she oso noticed all the nurses like to smile at mi
wow hope i can charm all of them next time too haaa
wah the pain is cuming lor
i tink so
i realli tink so
now im not so joyful animore coz tink im getting a headache.. sigh
q proud tt i feel so well tt i actualli took the nel home :p
ok i need to slp off my pain i tink
today was a rather exciting day (to gang: this is going to b documentary, haha b warned)
i slept realli earli last nite like 10+ coz if i stay up aft midnite ill prob b hungry
i hafnt eaten anithing for almost 20hrs, finally eating my mama's porridge now..
i wasnt overly excited or scared.. rather calm actualli :)
my parents went NDC w mi n my dad went off for work aft dropping us off..
before long i was in the resting area of the day surgery dept n the nurse was briefng mi n stuff.. (haha altho i had a slight hiccup in my changing of clothes :p all was well)
then is a long long wait
i reached at abt 9
sat ard for a while n went in to chat w the dentist in charge
he's a v nice guy
soft spoken, calm makes the patient v calm too... i wasnt at all worried
he asked mi if i needed mc n stuff then when u found out tt i still had sch.. he wondered which fac i was in haa..
when i told he med, he even complain dentistry have shorter hols than us? hah realli ar?
aniwae i jus had to wait la
then my neighbouring bed came a mum w 2 kids
the daughter's getting her wisdom teeth extracted la..
haha the whole family are fellow teochews :)
so end up chitchatting alot
the auntie sells rojak at si ma lu temple nearby hawker centre.. haha mayb i can visit her next time
she actualli started to tok to mi coz she tot i was like her daughter who had her wisdom teeth growing out at age abt 15..
she told mi xiao mei y u so young mus pluck wisdom teeth.. i told her im 20 n she was realli shock.. she tot im in sec sch lor
haha i look tt young ar?
(mus b my specs la)
aniwaes at abt 1115 its my turn!
they ll intubate thru the nose coz i was going for GA
then i tink i had to snort so anesthetic thru the nose first.. wa tt was q freaky when the nurse came in w the spray i was damn freaked lor..
when she quirt it in n asked n to breathe normally n swallow it down... argh it was realli bitter :(
then i waited outside the OT for a while more b4 i went in..
wow the OT wasnt too big
got mi to lie down n when i looked up the big round light w 5 giant bulbs! ha jus like in all the dramas i watched last time.. like white towers lidat :P
got another lamp w 3 giant bulbs too..
then got e ECG electrodes stucked
n the surgeon came in.. then the anesthetist came in too
suddenly the doc say... wah 2nd yr med student huh? i was like? erm...O_o"
cant believe it tink the earlier dentist actualli stuck a post it on my file to annouce tt
wah lao sigh coz frm the corner of my v shortsighted eyes i actualli saw the post it n e surgeon laughing at it
aniwae i tink the nurse wanted to stick the line thing into the dorsum of my hand..
but as usual,.. wat's new>? she stuck the needle in n cant find the BV
rather pain lor walao
then the anthestist took over n manouvered ard (more pain) and got it
haah i tink the nurse q paiseh coz she told mi they r all trained to do it but she rusty le haaa
the anesthetist is this tall indian guy
he sounds like Dr Kandir!!
haha he was asking mi like y im not in sch.. pon issit
then he asked mi wat sch i was frm n when he heard rj he actualli said," y do they all seem to come frm there?" -.-"
aniwae he told mi he's going to inject something's tt's gonna sting..
wa it realli did
tink he IV something in tt was q pain n i kinda got consumed by drowiness... its a very weird feeling..
he told mi to relac n go to sleep.. so i jus closed my eye
the last thing i saw was actualli the mask hovering above my face n the nurse putting it over my face.. it smelt funni.. wonder if i inhaled anesthetics too?
i slowly opened my eyes at 1215
an uneventful slp jus black out n "white in"
was out of the OT n the clock was damn big in front
had to blink a few times.. still felt q sleepi
the nurse chitchatted w mi.. i tink to wake mi up
haah i was q happi to b awake
she's realli nice so i smiled at her..
she asked mi like wat im studying my family n stuff haah then the talkative nature guess it never went away so w my mouth stuffed full of bloody gauze i still happily chat away..
dunnoe y she seemed q charmed by mi
she say im v joyful? haa n she say i'll make a good doc next time coz i can cheer up my patients
haha wah got praised sia!! :D in a damn drowsy state still can :p
but i smiled at her coz she's nice wat.. its nice to wake up to a frenly nurse than 1 tt growls rite?
haha e paiseh thing is i always like to sit cross legged on my chair at home.. when i woke up i was actuall crossing my leg too macam a monk lidat ??!!? hope no one noticed
so off i got pushed bk to my mama
who chatted u the nurse too
yes she still keep praising mi to my mama say i v guai
mayb it's a ploy to get mi happi so tt i become conscious more quickly?
aniwae i thank her :)
then my hp rang
n omg
it's huayu!
so qiao haa
she actualli didnt noe i was going in for tooth extraction n she called jus as i was pushed out such tt i can pick up her call
we chitchat more coz still no pain tink the anesthetic hafnt wear off yet
cheer up pal!
aniwae i tried to slp but mani pple walked ard n tok to mi n everithing so i jus lie down there n relac la
then the first dentist tt i met earlier came in to check on mi
says all's well n wah he's realli nice n assuring
i mus tok lidat next time
haha actualli b4 tt he told mi dont panic if u cant feel ur gums or chin n stuff coz it's not due to ur mental N paralysis but coz the anesthetic haha
he's q funni
aniwae i can go home
then my neighbour came bk
she took out mani mani teeth coz due to some growth i tink she cant drop her baby teeth so she still had 3 baby teeth at sec3
she was wailing at the top of her voice n choking on her tears
wow i hear alreadi oso feel pain for her lor
tink her mama mus b realli worried
aniwae hope she get well soon la
haha one of the nurse took my hand to remove e taplike thingy n actualli told my mama tt she's holding my hand :p damn funni lor these nurses
my mama say she oso noticed all the nurses like to smile at mi
wow hope i can charm all of them next time too haaa
wah the pain is cuming lor
i tink so
i realli tink so
now im not so joyful animore coz tink im getting a headache.. sigh
q proud tt i feel so well tt i actualli took the nel home :p
ok i need to slp off my pain i tink
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