dammit y issit my art is so freaking bad?? haha ok i admit tt my mama did most of my social studies proj when i was in pri sch.. but well i got 2nd in a coloring competition when i was in k2 and i got 3rd in some drawing competition before as well in pri sch.. but since then.. sigh the onli freaking C i ever got in pri sch was.... *drumroll* haa ART! yea!.. i have since then degenerated to only drawing onions and celery in rgs and well cells or organs in jc....
so here this is it.. im suppose to make 3 butterflies to put up on the wall tmr on ward 43 kkh.. i volunteered to do the butterflies coz i tot.. well i tink i can draw butterflies alright.. and ok i did but they look plain coz they were onli 1 color on the construction paper.. so shit.. i need to color them.. the first attempt was pasting red and yellow paper on the purple one.. i looked abit weird.. and so i swiped out color pencils.. and here's the final pdt.. spent 1.5hr on it altho i onli intend to spend at most an hr.. but this is it.. ARGH dear ladies of ward 43.. pls dont roll ur eyes and comment tt ur babies can draw better butterflies.. i did my best.. well crap.. sigh they look ok.. right?? sigh.. when i was cutting them out.. i sweared abit bout the feelers.. if i F***ing tear them/cut them off accidentally, i'll kill myself.

1 件のコメント:
OOOH... SO NICE...i like the colour combi!