Happy 21st birthday Xiangyun!!!
She’s someone I know since we r of single digit age – she told today and reminded mi tt I was the one who told her :)
She’s my best friend, from pri sch
She’s my classmate from pri 3 – 6
She’s the one I hang ard w during recesses
She’s the one tt play basketball w mi in the afternoons aft sch
She’s the one who spends afternoons w mi during sch hols, lazing on a hill facing jsps, looking at the sky and the clouds in the sky
She’s the first fren of mine tt explore orchard together (w liling)
She’s the first fren of mine tt I go out movies with
She’s the first fren of mine tt I went Delifrance with (then I tot the food was really really expensive)
She’s my only fren tt I speak teochew to
She’s my only fren tt I know most of her relatives, watched her cousins grow up.. like keith I rem I first met him when he was in kindergarten n I was p6 now he’s like a sec sch boy my height.. wow I told him u r so big now.. haaa her ahgong ahma parents youngerbro who always welcome mi to their house..
The first movie ticket stub tt I started collecting says Flubber – 15 Dec 1997, we watched it together..
We even watched Titanic together haa on 29/12/97…
We hafnt been in each other lives a lot since we went to diff sec sch n jc, but we haf this kinda mo qi.. like we can not b in contact for mths n suddenly one of us ll pick up the phone to cal the otherl.. n we can go on on the phone for hours.. as if we never parted.
We grew up and changed but inherent traits we haf since we r kids r still there I guess..
Peng you! Happy birthday
Hope the 21st yr of ur life ll b a good one :)

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