yest's sunset.. frm my lift landing.. nice :) yest class was fun n thnx to beng.. i bought a 69.90 top for 27.96 at a 60% sale!! muahaha but as usual one more top to add to my extremist clothes which i wont wear normally.. haaa Today on my way home.. walking pass the playground.. i saw this whole class of kindergarten kids.. 2 big groups of kids actualli.. i gp at the seasaw the other at the climbing area.. there's this one little girl who's standing at a solitary springy horse.. jus by herself looking at her frens play w a smile on her face.. she just caught my attention.. i dunnoe why.. she kinda remind mi of myself? but it's not actualli true coz when i was young. i was always within the action.. not detached like a bystander.. but these days.. mayb i'm.. sometimes i guess.. and she's has a smile on her face! she's q happy at her position, which i can relate to.. because being by yourself n looking out at other pple sometimes, can b q fun too :)
budden the adult world came in.. i tink the teacher actualli notice mi noticing her and went over to her to get her to join in.. at first i just tot it was nice of the teacher to notice this girl alone.. but later as i was walking away and looked bk.. the teacher was actualli looking at mi w a v paiseh look.. as if if she dont approach the kid, i might think she's neglecting her? as if she's doing it coz someone's watching? i'm not sure if im too harsh and negative to think this way.. but it just snap mi bk into reality again.

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