無題 - 李商隱
相見時難別亦難﹐ 東風無力百花殘。
春蠶到死絲方盡﹐ 蠟炬成灰淚始幹。
曉鏡但愁雲鬢改﹐ 夜吟應覺月光寒。
蓬山此去無多路﹐ 青鳥慇勤為探看。
今天 ah zui 跟我在談喜歡的詩﹐ 我跟每個人說那首詩叫 <<無名>>。﹕P 是我搞錯了﹗其實是<<無題>>。
and today, just before i went home.. some of my cg mates and I went to look at a patient in ward 11.. she's the oldest person I've ever met in my whole life. born in 1907, she's 99 years old now.
she can't really see very well.. but i'm glad to have met her and interacted with her abit.
the way she held my hand, 一生忘れない。
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