i passed.
so 1 test down, 1 more to go.
and i wanted to say today has been a good day.
i met a new friend, haa the auntie in charge of the level 1 toilet.
i met her when i arrived at 8+ and tied my hair up
i met her again when i went to pee before my test
and i met her again aft my test..
we spoke on all 3 occasions and she's really a nice lady :)
then i had my test.
my examiner, dr tan is really a very nice man.
a very kind examiner, and i felt it was more like a teaching session, because he debriefed me, pointed out my mistakes, and even brought be bk to ellicit subtle signs tt i didnt pick up. the pt had cerebellar signs with slight clumsyness when he did the dysdiadochokinesia (?spelling) which i missed.
but all in all i learnt q abit.
my long case was q jialat.. i was v flustered because of poor communication with the uncle who's abit hard of hearing. and i kept repeating peripheral nephropathy haa
i didnt feel tt i did very well, but at least he said i passed.
better buck up for mcqs!
another good thing tt happened.
when i reached my lrt stop i saw a little boy w a hugh pushtrolley filled to the brim, he was just abit taller than the trolley
and the lift was under repair.
she he just stood there, looking sadly at the terribly long flight of stairs, back at his trolly and at the lift that wont work.
and i asked if he needed help.. the both of us manage to lift the trolley and walked down the stairs together :)
glad to be of help.
but my sunny day had nimbostratus clouds floating in.
it had always been there in the distance, but i see it all so clearly now.

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