another one of my comfort food.
recently i've been summoning and relying alot on my comfort food.
wat does it say of my life at the moment.
not too fantastic
but oh well. nvm.
wednesday night was pouring at tpy.. aft fieldwork w fq n then tracy and went to town w a long shopping list.
cudnt buy THE present because her birthday is more than 7days away
didnt buy the swim suit i was eyeing at because i didnt like it after i tried it on
was thinking abt buying the nike bag i saw the day before w angel
(remember the one i was carrying while talking animatedly on the phone w liv? haa)
but after just one day.. just when i was abt to go buy it. it's sold out! and i cant find it anywhere else le. hai
then the shop i wanted to go to in PS has been replaced by OP hai
so in the end after walking down the whole orchard rd really real fatigue and shopping the whole nite, i didnt spend a single cent.
so i decided to appease myself by buying me this nice drink..
i have v good memories of this drink because the first time i drank it was bought by a nice collegue in OCBC.. he reminds me of my dage but oh well
i was real sick n the aircon was killing me..
he saw n sneaked us out of office in the middle of the day and bought this drink for me
i felt so nice n warm n comforted.
hafnt spoken to him in a while.. hope's he's doing well! shud try to contact him soon
haaa writing this post got me reminded of tue aft
where first a couple (2) crazy women was hanging out and shopping and later a bunch (3) did.
i still dont think tt 3 pple make a bunch
coz just imagine, a bunch of grapes w only 3 grapes. wud u still buy it?
anyway the 2 other crazy women's my dear cousins liv n angel
liv's turing 21 soon! haaa
me n angel were damn funny at havana's at heren.
haha the one design we wanted didnt have the right size.. so we just sat there for damn long gazing up the whole wall of slippers.. haa
n the line of the day was frm the little shopkeeper of that store
"why dont u get her into the chinese new year mood, by buying her the red ones"
oh my tian.
and there were the funny things angel said, "nurse belly (betty)" and "savaging (salvaging)something "
the chocolate volcano frm the supermarket's bakery section at paragon's basement was real nice!
and i had a great time shopping w them la.. the sisters i never had haa
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