the drink i had last night..
grafefruit tea swirl.. not too bad, taste pretty exotic haathis box of piah was on the table in the student lounge for a few days
if i'm not wrong it was frm teresa's mum.. frm taiwan
as a tam jiat gui.. of coz i tried, and it was v nice!
but haaa the first time i saw the box.. i tot i was called..
tt's not the only joke tt came out frm me..
me n kaixiang like to ask each other where would our polyclinic n emed posting be next.. then we would b pleasantly surprised tt oh.. we r going to the same place!
then we wud suddenly realize tt of course we r going to the same place.. haaa we are in the SAME CG!!
by tt time yingwei.. ll b rolling her eyes n cannot take it le.. n the 2 of us honestly held such conversations twice.. haa twice he asked n twice i answered sincerely..
for emed.. cg13 ll reunite.. i wonder wat ll happen
hope there's many more funny things to come!
saw this on the white board in cg student lounge and had such a good laugh on monday morning haaaa. :)
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