HAPPY 89th BIRTHDAY to my dear AH-gong!
here's a pix w my ahgong n his birthday cake, surrounded by his great-grandchildren..
there are so many many of them haaa :)
i really grateful for my ah-gong to b in goodhealth and be so alert and cheerful..
he can still rem my name and ask me when i was going overseas for my elective.. :)
fantastic memory at 89...
Wish his goodhealth and i cant wait for his 90th birthday bash next year haa ;)
haaaa see my ahgong's q funny also haaa
w both my maternal n paternal side being q funny pple.. it's no wonder y my frens tink i'm sometimes psychotic n manic haa
haaa my dad n my 5th uncle..
they are the most ra-ra pple amongst 80+ of us i think haaa
the only 2 who ll go sing to all the guests at their nephew's wedding
this is one of my fav uncle.. he's pretty much like my dad, his bro i think
chao gao xiao :D
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