fuck. i meet this ah pek on my way home that gave me damn bad vibes.
i was walking home at like 1030pm along a main rd n coming towards me was this scrawny old man w bad dentition and a cigarette in his mouth
i was trying to go left so tt he cud pass on the right but he went left too.. so i steered towards the right n he went the same way too
this kinda things occur in real life all the time, when u try to give way to a passerby coming the opp direction
but till it's damn near already we r still in the same path n at the last moment i manage to step aside frm him.. all the time he had this weird smile on his face.. damn sickening.
but i felt his left hand brushed against mine. it wasnt like brush, felt more like a reaching out to grab kinda feeling n luckily my left hand was in the way btw his hand n my thigh.. cause i really felt like a purposeful outreach for my thigh lo
at the moment i got really bad feeling.. an ecg at this moment wud prob register some escape rhythmn w a slight pause.. it felt really creepy
i just walked by quickly n turn ard to glare but he never turned bk..
fuck.. it's just damn bad vibes.. if he dare look bk n smile or if he actually touched my thigh i wud scream at him lo
ok next time my reflex action to this kinda treatment wud b to smack his old baldy head w my hand bag n kick his crotch or sumthing
let me programme this in my head now
it cud possibly b an accident but i've never had such creeps for my whole life so i dont tink it is.
wat a bloody old man. shit. n i was only in jeans n tshirt not some short skirt lor. and altho touching strangers is wat i do day in day out in the wards during physical examination, n touching the dorsum of my hand is seriously no big deal. but this is just not right.
i'm damn pissed la. fuck.
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