finally got down to watching lust, caution
i think it's pretty good. the ending was sad and i felt that it tugged at the heartstrings of the audience, and me of course. it felt kinda similar to brokeback mountain, despite all the hype abt gay theme and acrobatic stunts, there's a simple underlying sad theme to both movies, which is v moving, and it's the beauty of these recent films by lee ang. there were a couple of strong n memorable scenes which i like, how wangjiazhi was shocked by Yee's reflection in the window, how i could hear the clock struck ten times in the final scene... making me hold my breath and counting the ding-dongs.. and w Yee tearing, his eyes being the only part of his face clearly seen with the slit of light cast on his face. how all that was left in the end were the creases on the sheets of her empty bed, made by one single person.
do women make good spies? do women who received ridiculously huge diamond rings make good spies? will women who are emotional creatures let love, lust and no caution get better of them? haaa
nice movie :)
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