watched the movie enternal summer - 盛夏光年。 although it has a gay theme.. i felt that it was a pretty touching movie, abt childhood insecurities, friendship, love, growing up - how everything changes once you grow up. the open ended ending left me kinda sad.. but i mean it will just depends on the audience's own interpretion. i think shane will never love jonathan the way he loves him. oh n the cool thing abt their names, it's suppose to mean 行星,恒星,彗星。
Shane - 守恒 stands for 恒星 (the Sun). Jonathan - 正行 stands for 行星 (the Earth). Carrie - 慧嘉 stands for 彗星 (the Comet).
The Sun always shines. The Earth follows its route surrounding the Sun, but cannot approach it. The Comet brings surprise to the solar system. The picture will not complete without anyone of them
(from wikipedia)
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