haa some of the kidos i've gotten to know while i was there
Ian is a boy who went to climb the hills w us on our first few days in kisiizi, unlike the rest of the kids he never once asked me for money or anything.. he just followed us up the hill, we just chit chatted, n everytime he sees me outside the GH/in the hosp he'll come up to say hi.. a nice n quiet kid.
matthew n judy
dr jo & moses 2 younger kids.. there is still jojo they are so so cute.. i really love them. judy was really shy at the beginning but towards the end, we became such gd frens
edwin & his fren - 2 kwashakior kids.. edwin took our hearts away when he came to us n grabbed our hand his tiny hand.. he's so cute n every mouthful of egg he takes, 10% of it drops out haa.. his fren, is really cute too.. but i never found out his name
alan is sis ruth's son.. cute!!
ethan- dr denise & dr tonny's elder boy... he's so active and playful but i really like just wrestling w him.. haa on the grass patch outside moses' place heh he's a v smart boy
timothy- a v smart kid.. his mummy is one of the physiotherapist in charge of the ortho camp..
ye gang- son of korean missionary dr lim. wh really likes him alot. me too! he's so cute, the first boy to compliment me and say "i like your shirt" haaa n i was pleasantly surprised n told him i like his too.. baby pink n baby blue look nice together haha
well he's kinda short so i like to squat down so tt we're at eyelevel but the cute thing abt him is he likes to imitate me n squat down too.. haa so i tink this is a really cute pix showing us.
more photos of banet! :)
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