s03f! :)
girls of s03f :)
boys of s03f :)
frens from rj.. frank n mel used to be my jap class classmates... haaa
the good old days of staying bk on tues/thurs to study jap w shioya sensei. wonder how he is. :)
me & mel!
hafnt seen mel for so long.. glad to meet up w her.
met many people from rgs, rj, med.. pple from diff stages of my life. it's a really small world. never knew peiyong was chyanying's cousin too haha.. n mAy.. my fren frm rj. cute as ever.. :)
love this foto too.. we kinda look like an ad.
red wine's good for your heart!


me and my failed glam shots hahaa
groping sy's sexy back!
hee us again.. we took many fotos! i can sense frank rolling his eyes at us behind our backs..
us at the end of the wedding :)
i like this foto.. mo's last attempt to take a glam shot of me.
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