i heard alot about him from quite a few different pple.
finally got down to listening to this song. kinda sweet n puts a smile on my face :)
Jason Mraz - The Remedy
our dear HOs w their SIPs..
SIP ended
i feel totally tired out after this one mth stint altho i didnt do much i tink. but it was fun, i learnt quite alot and i had a glimsp into wat doing medicine really entails. i'll miss all the sweet aunties, the uncles who love to complain when i try to suck them dry w my syringe but really appreciates a nice chat during bldtaking. the nurses.. shifu was really sweet bought us drinks n muffins n had a party for us. the soon-to-b colleagues, everyone has something for me to learn from. difficult relatives who are damn difficult, will b a challenge for me to win them over gracefully next time, but i guess at the end of the day if u dint do anything wrong the b my guest, go complain. ha. 4/52 flew by, i'm sure the next 28/52 will as well. sigh
ttsh for the next one mth. :)
good luck to me. but seriously if i just do my job properly, y shud i fucking care? :) i just need some reassurance.
met up w huayu n py and we had a good long 5hr dinner, dessert, chat and non-stop laughter. i love hanging out w gang (there was evil turban this time too) :D
there's was a 405 gathering yest, at first only 1/10 of the class was there n after jan came, there was 1/8 haa but thnx jo for the effort to organise it. i hafnt seen them for a long while n it was nice catching up w them.. and to try some turkish food n japanese dessert. it's been many years but chatting abt good old days, how we've graduated frm rg 7 yrs ago.. days in rgs had been alot of fun, i'll always look bk w fond memories n laugh over teachers, lessons, funny stuff tt happened in class. :D