well i went to watch money no enough 2 with my mum, eunice and my bro.. it was kinda a nice sunday afternoon out, as i hafnt brought my mum out for a long time.
the show is q nice and touching. altho some parts were abit too dramatic and cliche for my liking but overall i tink there are alot of issues brought up that are q close to my heart. how the old lady in the show just reminds me so much of all the old ladies lying in hospital beds i've met over the few years in med sch, some sad ones with social/care issues, kids saying that they feel that their mum's not suitable to go home yet, because they cant settle who will take her back and who's going to hire a maid. i understand that it's not easy taking care of old folks at home, and everything cost money. sigh.
then there's the bit where the mum kept asking hui-ge "jiat ba buay" like 10times or sumthing. although it's funny and everyone including myself laughed alot, but i cant help but be reminded of that day where i sat in CGH psy clinic w my tutor who does eldery psychiatry, where she told the diagnosis of Alzhemir's disease to this middle-aged man. about how there is no cure, we can only try to slow down the rate of deterioration, and to me the poor man kinda just looked as if his whole world was collapsing down on him and looked sadly at his own mum. thinking wat it'll b like for her to slowly be forgetful till she might eventually forget him. then there's this thing abt my parents are getting old and this can happen to anyone.
and the way the old lady collapsed face down at the old folks home, was almost the same position as a pt i saw who collapsed in the ward. @_@
but one heartwarming thing was while waiting outside the loo after the movie, a 9 yr old's mum was telling her husband that their son cried when the old lady died. and told his mum that he'll take care of her next time. aww isnt tt sweet. (but wait till he grows up, might a diff story right? heh sry)
i also liked the scene where mark lee screamed at vivian lai before she was brought off by the police, because she embazzeled some company funds to save his ass. then he cried, closed the door to go after her. it was q touching.
well local movies always earn q abit of tears frm me haha.

Hitch: Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away.
Max: Spoken like a true cynic.
Sara: I'm not a cynic, I'm a realist!
Max: Or a realist masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist.
watched 2 movies, slept the rest of the day. sip is tiring after all.
張學友 - 三天兩夜(KTV)
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