last sun was my cousin's wedding.
my dad is always the life of the party, the most sporting n funny character.. he can b a professional wedding singer when he retires and he's so much more hip n happening than his kids ha.
well i wonder how much of his fun loving/root-of-all-noise nature i haf inherited but pple who know us can easily understand why i can b abit odd haaaa.
check out his 花瓶大过中年人 pix.
he sang, he danced, he drank.
cheers. :)
w/o fail at all my cousins' weddings my dad is the uncle they'll invite to do the yum seng ha..
my dad n my 6th uncle
my dad kinda got the karaoke mood started when he got the ball rolling.. altho q alot of pple sang at my cousin's wedding i tink everyone was too paiseh to be the first one ha
my paternal family loves to sing haa n drink.. :P
this is q gay ahaa
my dad n his bro..
this pix is damn cute! haa
my dad w my bros, eunice, siauhui
my family!
yum yum yummmm seng!
my dad n my 5th uncle.. cheers to wilson's marriage!
i'm v tired. feel like i'll never b able to finish my work and many things are not meant to be. well after entertaining myself w all these happy/funny pix, time to get bk to work.
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