patho gp14a!!!
patho has us broken up into small groups of 4 and random put these small gps into tutorial groups..
so this is my tut gp mates tt were w mi thruout whole m2..
just coz we had register number in running order, we haf been together in tutorial class for most lessons since m1!
ll miss changwei n tracy next time if i dont get to do posting w them..
changwei- haaa he's the onli other LIU in med beside mi n py
the first time i met him was in a lab like this - in m1 histo prac
n wat was the first thing i told this new fren tt was going to sit beside mi for 2 yrs??
"i told him.. hey u r a LIU too.. there're onli 3 LIUs in medicine so we better form a gang and stay united, in case got gang fight among the diff surname groups tt we can go bia-zui together!"
haa yes tt was the first thing i ever said to him..
py said i probably scared my newfound fren.. but he cudnt rem my exact words v well when i asked him mani mths later so i guess it's ok la
so tt's changwei!
then of coz there's tracy
i knew her since rgs days
i saw her in our KL trip and OBS expedition
but well she didnt noe mi then, didnt noe i existed, didnt recall i was around hahaa
then i've seen her ard in rj..
of coz i still recog her as tracy, tt girl frm rgs
but haa she still doesnt noe mi
until we judo gals started sitting together on mon/thu lec ( if i rem correctly)
somewhere near carol's class..
which happen to b a row infront of tracy's row..
i didnt notice tt tho but well she finally noticed mi!!! yay
i'm to her.. the girl always in tt big red sweater.. v bright color.. one of the few reds in the lec.. but who's always sleeping during morning lectures..
jus sleeping right in the middle of the LT haaaaaa
even serena remembers mi as such a character in rj.. coz i sat infront of her row too.. so these frens whom i started talking to in med.. the first thign they did was 2 confirm "ah! u r the girl in the red sweater always sleeping in lectures"
haa yea tt's mi!
but i'm proud to say i slept abt 5 times max in 2yrs of med sch... mostly dozing off abit here n there.. slept thru 1 cofm i tink.. aft sending the japs off w/o sleeping at all the nite b4.. n of coz slept thru the first intro lec by the vicedean in yr1
most of the time i'm too busy transcribing wat the lecturer says so no time to slp oso haaaa
tracy.. frm not knowing her to transforming her to a chinese sprouting fren.. haa she onli sprouts chinese alot w mi n py i realized haaa, yea we have been ard together q abit hor.. mi py tracy...
well i'll miss these days, her distinctive laughter, her suan-ing mi all the time (esp at my poor english), her laughing at mi everiday! haa :)