CG 13 had our farewell lunch yesterday because it was our last day together as a CG. i'll miss them. really. after more than a yr together as a cg, they seem part of my
sch life already and they feel like brothers n sisters..

US. jianhong-dawn-darren-peiyun-yingwei-dehan-kaixiang-me.

us @ thai express..

our CG foto! :)
ah xiang asked me to org the fotos we took and after putting them into one folder i realize we have got 200+ fotos including related random shots (mostly taken by me :p)haaaa it'll take a while for me to sort them out so i shall post these first.
take care my dear frens. i wont b as fun w/o u guys but hope yr5 n new CGs are just as fun :) for those flying tmr.. haf a safe trip and have lotsa fun ya!!
CG13 part II

jianhong aka ah hong. he likes to wink and make "zuk zuk" sounds at u every morning. it's outrage of modesty but it always makes me laugh. the str leg skin traction round his neck is damn funny. haaa jh eats v healthy stuff n likes to sing boyband songs haaa.. i've been running after him my whole posting but it hasnt been reciprocated. hai there ll be no one left to be ham sup w me anymore :'( u must beware of strange docs n secretaries k!

darren aka 大人. he always says n does funny things haaa n his bilat ptosis allowed him to find his long lost relative, dr Q, during ONG. his pix w the speculum is fantastic! and him trying to pose behind the MP for pix is damn funny too. must drink coffee before lectures k! ;)

dehan. always makes funny faces when taking fotos haha.. he makes lychee martini for us, hides a blown-up glove in the pelvic trainer box, changed the gp dynamics among the boys aft drinking and loves coffee prince :) i recently realize tt he likes to randomly burst into songs too haa.. dont drink too much la fren, ll have GI symptoms n amnesia after tt..

peiyun. aka ah yun. py is in ALL my cgs and i cant imagine doing medicine w/o her. my fren for a decade who keeps check of my terrible behaviour n vices, frowns at me when i say strange stuff and of coz join yw to ostracize me frm time to time. i got evidence! "dot dot dot"

of coz there's me aka ahmin. darren tinks tt the last foto of me is act-cute but it's was a candid shot, i was prob recounting something happily. i ate many happy meals during KKH ONG posting. i like futo alot. the red top is my lim jit buay top and tt pix was taken on tt fateful nite where i found trustworthy frens who ll wipe vomitus off my face, put me in recovery position to prevent aspiration and bring me home safely. heh :p but somehow they still think i'm insane and hum sup n frown at things i say or when i burst into songs. hai..

kaixiang aka ahxiang aka mr zhang. ah xiang is mr nice. and he has a way w kids.. frm paeds posting i realize tt kids love him :) when i see the pix w him n yw n shuttlecock, it makes me shudder cause my badminton skills are damn cui and when i played w them, they kept using the shuttlecock to hit n bully me :'( heh but i know he likes guys who's names end w -han. sorry for making u disgusted many times each day w things i say, sorry for making u smile at my camera altho u dont like to take photos n sorry for shoving the mike into ur hands n forcing u to sing haaa

yingwei aka harry potter yau aka ah wei. it's "abruptio placentae!!" the deadly spell that was cast. HPyau insists tt i have a psychiatric prob and feels that psy posting was a self discovery journey for me. she's the queen of tagadem and big heavy bag, is a pharmacy and one of my fav ktv kaki cause i'll force her to sing zhang hui mei w me altho we both cant reach the high notes. i think she's v cute cause when she recounts stories her face is always damn full of expressions which is hilarious. guess who the hand n foot belong to? 八戒兄,stop calling me 八戒兄, i'll miss you.

dawn. she is the only one who actually appreciates my singing ok!?! others just brush me off as a crazy noisemaker, so thnx pal. i know u like to burst into songs too. :) dawn always tells me "yes mdm" and we'll somehow swtich frm 讲华语 to speak english when we converse haaa try to spot her admist the pile of ONG books!!

rem our jacknjill frens who accompanied us at frm ortho to ONG? tako.bobo/

evidence of our CG mugging together for ONG :)
darren tinks tt this can b a cd cover. i think we all look too random and all of us had very different expressions. kx was represented by his wallet right in the middle. we r a gp of students who wud rather sit outside the snec clinics n chit chat for sometime aft lunch before joining clinics hee
-the end-