日曜日, 4月 29, 2007
i hafnt watched mtv channel for q some time.. but yest n today got abit of time so i watched..
saw 2 mtvs tt are q cute..
the first one is this, 记得爱.. haa not too common to see 2 guys singing a duet.. but i think it's a pretty nice n catchy song :)
the other one is 张学友's 烦恼歌
but cant seem to find it on youtube..
i used to like the song 遗失的美好 alot.. and was q surprised to find out tt the tune was written by 阿沁. so this is his version for his new album :)
阿沁 Real - 遗失的美好 Yi Shi De Mei Hao MV *Full Version*
土曜日, 4月 28, 2007
it has been a pretty exciting 3wks... lectures, clincal attachments... and today it ended off w the emed test.. haaa my viva dint do v well but at least i know i passed..
got dr G.. who appeared q boh-chap but i think he actualli was nice enough to prompt me and lead to me saying the answer he wants.. but nevertheless.. i was still v kan-chiong and at certain moments at a loss of words..
the mcq n osce well.. hmm well..
but IT's OVER! sigh
i'll miss dr suresh and all the other nice docs at nuh who realli taught us alot, esp the writers of the black book.. haa Dr M is realli q funny n dr O is nice in a motherly way... n all the MOs n regs who tried to show us stuff along the way..
n like jianhong says.. prof suresh is my 偶像 too.
i've never seen a tutor as dedicated as him.. altho he q chiong-hei but he just arrange tutorials with us whenever he's free.. be it after his shift or before his shift... when he shud b going home to rest.. he just kept teaching us..
i think in all we had 6 sessions of ecgs, ave 3hr each time n the final 12hr marathon tut yest was amazing too... he talked to us so much, tt now i can still vividly rem his voice.. i think i'll for a v long time haa.. he is so full of energy n he totally has my respect.
and he's the only doctor i've seen, aft q a few postings to make an effort to rem all our names.. every single one of us frm 3 CGs.. and he calls us by our names during tutorials n in the ED itself. i personally think that tt's v v nice of him.
i actually feel alot less threatened, now when someone hands me an ecg i think.. used to cringe in medicine when a tutor hands one to me n ask me to read..
thanx prof!
aft the test today.. we kinda nua-ed at canteen n then went to nuh to look at casefiles
then i made my way down to the national lib n borrowed a couple of books :) cant wait to rem them later haaa.. fiction, oh now i miss fiction.
bought myself a new ear piece n finally.. music accompanies me home.. at last.
my earpiece of my sumsung... died on one side a long time ago.. n recently the other side died too.. so i had been walking home in silence for wks now.. until i finally got it replaced :) missed my playlist..
then on my way home at the lrt platform.. i saw a funny dad.. haa his son was starting to make some noise n feels like an impending tantrum was going to happen, so the dad suddenly but gently tilted the pram bkwards.. so tt kid was stunned and said, "woahhh.." and started laughing.. i almost laughed out loud.. he has skilfully avoided a tantrum!
n on the lrt train.. when it stopped at compassvale, a couple of flying bugs came in... probably as it was attracted to the lights.. haa i saw 2 teenage boys squirmming.. kept brushing their hair as the bug flew near them.. cause they obviously dont feel too comfortable with them. however all the aunties just sat there w/o batting an eyelid... i must say i shook my ponytail abit too to rid the bug.. but i did it discretely.. see wat age does to pple haaa
in conclusion, emed was xiong but fun. hope radiology next wk ll b fruitful too.. the fantastic news is there wont b a test at the end! yay
日曜日, 4月 22, 2007
haaaa see my ahgong's q funny also haaa
w both my maternal n paternal side being q funny pple.. it's no wonder y my frens tink i'm sometimes psychotic n manic haa
haaa my dad n my 5th uncle..
they are the most ra-ra pple amongst 80+ of us i think haaa
the only 2 who ll go sing to all the guests at their nephew's wedding
this is one of my fav uncle.. he's pretty much like my dad, his bro i think
chao gao xiao :D
月曜日, 4月 16, 2007
feels like a cumulonimbus is hanging over my head
hope i didnt do anything to harm anyone today
if i really really did... how can i forgive myself?
n watching jerry yen in bai se ju ta last nite didnt help..
oh pls let something good/nothing bad happen to me n pple ard me...
the good news is i manage to set 2 plugs by myself on a moving ambulance
the ironic thing is these r my first 2 successful plugs
never manage to do it when the hospital wasnt shaking
my first cpr done on a real pt.. manage to get bk his pulse
but heard he dint make it aft 7hrs in hosp
the # of pple i've seen passed away these few days is almost equal to all the pple i've seen passed away my whole life
such is life huh
木曜日, 4月 12, 2007
despite being tiring.. it has been really interesting
had q a fruitful ambulance last nite.. saw many things that i guess ll stick w me for a v long time
everyone on my ambulance was realli nice n i had a great time. i must say.
thankful to haf learnt cpr altho i discovered tt when i'm damn kanchiong.. i cant realli do it properly, until a make a conscious effort to calm myself down hai.. this habit has to go.
it has been a pretty tough nite for some pple, some families
life's not so easy sometimes i guess.
there's something i wan2 do.. ll i succeed?
日曜日, 4月 08, 2007
pix taken by over-enthusiastic didi.. who was nice la :) they had pretty lights!
this was the one above our table :)
emed ist starting tmr.. cant help but feel excited.. macam stepping into war-zone
金曜日, 4月 06, 2007
the drink i had last night..
grafefruit tea swirl.. not too bad, taste pretty exotic haathis box of piah was on the table in the student lounge for a few days
if i'm not wrong it was frm teresa's mum.. frm taiwan
as a tam jiat gui.. of coz i tried, and it was v nice!
but haaa the first time i saw the box.. i tot i was called..
tt's not the only joke tt came out frm me..
me n kaixiang like to ask each other where would our polyclinic n emed posting be next.. then we would b pleasantly surprised tt oh.. we r going to the same place!
then we wud suddenly realize tt of course we r going to the same place.. haaa we are in the SAME CG!!
by tt time yingwei.. ll b rolling her eyes n cannot take it le.. n the 2 of us honestly held such conversations twice.. haa twice he asked n twice i answered sincerely..
for emed.. cg13 ll reunite.. i wonder wat ll happen
hope there's many more funny things to come!
saw this on the white board in cg student lounge and had such a good laugh on monday morning haaaa. :)
this pix shows lotsa pretty feet *wolfwhistles*

we r the hungry judo girls! there was so much food for the 5 of us tt we almost didnt have enuff place on the table to place them all
but it was damn shiok! we ate till our fill and even had dan zhu qi shui! (hey guys the botties are still w me)
happiness.. indulgence~! lala